The blood drained from my face as the unexpected news had befallen me. Despite my shock and worries, I thanked everyone who had congratulated me on the board.
Devin told them that in case of his absence, I was the one who had the power to make important decisions and sign documents as the new co-chairperson.
The meeting started after the brief introductions, and an hour later, when it was over, I pulled Devin out of the room to have a private chat.
“I do not have the qualifications to become a co-chairperson of a billion-dollar conglomerate.” I told him.
He smirked and pulled out a file from a briefcase that he handed to me.
“What’s this?” I asked.
I opened the file and my eyes popped out. “I’m not...”
“Yes, you are. You have a Master’s degree in business management from one of the top Ivy League universities.”
“These are fake certificates!” I silently screamed, controlling myself before I flew into a rage. This asshole was up to something. “I’m going to tell everyone the truth!”
“And who will believe you?”
“What do you want from me, Devin? Why are you doing this?”
He smiled sweetly, as if he hadn’t just fed a bunch of lies to his employees. “I just need your co-operation, Millie.” He slung his arm around my shoulder and laughed animatedly. To the onlookers, it seemed like I had an amazing relationship with my brother-in-law. Close to my ear, he whispered, “I used to be co-chairperson but since Castle hasn’t been in the state of mind to take important decisions, I had to take over as the CEO, but the board needs someone to fill my former co-chairperson’s place, and as Castle’s wife, you’re the right choice.
“What about Dayana?”
He shrugged. “Dayana isn’t exactly interested in business.”
Right.She was more interested in fucking the house help.
“But it doesn’t have to be me!”
He pointed towards the pantry across from us. A man who was probably in his mid-thirties stood on the other side of the transparent glass wall, dressed in a navy suit, making coffee.
“That’s Samuel Hall,” Devin told me.
I’d met Samuel briefly during the board meeting, and it had appeared as if he’d been sizing me up. I wasn’t sure why he’d been friendly enough that I had paid little attention.
“If it’s not for you who will take over the place, hewill,”Devin told me. “Sam’s got all the qualifications needed and if Castle was on board, I’m sure he would be his choice.”
“So give Samuel the position!”
Devin clicked his tongue. “I want it to stay in the family. An outsider can’t make decisions for us.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. There were a lot of things that Devin was hiding. He wouldn’t take such a huge step without having an ulterior motive.
The Co-chairperson title was for show.
I was a puppet, Devin the puppeteer.
I wish I had the power to stop whatever that was happening. I wish I could just take Castle away from all this.
“Castle’s signed the papers too. He wants you to do it.” Devin said.
Castle was being manipulated. He didn’t know what he was doing. If Castle hadn’t lost his memories, I didn’t think he would have approved of what Devin had done by putting me in the Co-chairperson’s seat.
Heck, I don’t think he would have even agreed to marry a nobody like me.