Page 54 of Castle

I started descending the stairs when I heard the sounds of soft conversation drifting from the hallway.

From Devin’s study.

I took off my shoes and walked towards the room. The door wasn’t fully closed, but I assumed they believed it was.

I tried to pick up bits of the conversation.

“Stupid bitch thinks she’s smart for flushing down his medications.” I heard Devin say.

My heart thundered as I realized who they were talking about.

They knew!

“She’s doing all the work for us and she doesn’t even know about it.” Dayana chimed in.

Devin guffawed. “Did you see the smug look on her face? Thought she one-upped us. Now Castle’s just gonna fuck her six ways to Sunday. No pun intended.”

“Are you sure we should let her keep doing it?”

“Yes. I want Castle wide awake for everything that’s going to follow. I’m a lot of things, Dayana, but a coward is not one of them. He will fucking pay!” Devin said angrily, his voice rising a notch.

They planned to kill Castle!

“Devin, do you hear that? Someone’s at the door!”

I looked down the hallway.

There was no way I could make a run and not get caught.

I quickly tiptoed into the room right next to Devin’s study and sneaked into the old closet, and shut the door behind me.


They planned to kill Castle.

Have I heard them correctly? But why would they want their brother dead?

There was something missing here.

I stayed hidden inside the closet while Dayana checked the room. I could see her shiny green pumps from a small opening. I heard the shuffling as she moved around in the room.

I didn’t move an inch. My breathing had turned heavy. I pressed my hand to my mouth.

I married into this family, and even if I was initially forced to, I’d accepted my fate because of Castle, because I loved him. But I had no intention of spending my entire life hiding from a family that was now supposed to bemy own.

Yeah, I was part of this screwed up family. It was the bitter truth.

Devin followed Dayana into the room and they spoke in hushed voices, looking around in the darkened room.

Just then, my back hit the wooden wall and something behind me moved.


The fat Himalayan cat Lulu jumped from a top shelf and went to brush herself against Dayana’s legs.

“Aw, so it was you who was making those sounds.” Dayana picked the fluffy cat up into her arms. “Are you hungry, baby?” she cooed.

Thankfully, they decided the cat was making the ruckus and left the room, closing the door behind them.