It was Castle.
I’d successfully avoided his night visitations by not answering the door, but it was proving to be harder when all I wanted to do was to allow him inside.
Questions preoccupied my mind.
What if Castle had been the same with the caregivers here before me?
What if he did the same with them and Devin had killed them for touching his brother?
I’d done some research on the previously employed caregivers. Most of them seemed to be in their late thirties or forties. There were only two who were as young as me. Three of which had died tragically. Two others had left the job. Nobody under the Montgomery employment was allowed to quit their jobs. According to what I’d learned, they either ended up dead or stayed on the estate.
There were far too many secrets buried within the family, and Devin didn’t want it to be leaked outside. After all, they had a reputation to keep.
No matter how perfect the outside world thought they were, the truth was that they were beyond fucked up.
There was something bad going on, but I was yet to find out what.
Another soft knock brought me back to reality.
I asked him to come inside.
Castle stepped into the room. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and only a pair of sweatpants riding low on his hips. My eyes glazed over as I took in the vast expanse of his brawny chest, the muscles, and the set of abs that looked almost sculpted.
This is a bad idea, whatever it is that we’re doing.
If Castle had tried to do something to the previous caregivers, I’m sure they would have opened their legs for him willingly.
I was going crazy. He was driving me crazy.
“Hey, sweetie…”I whispered, as if the walls could hear us. “What’s up?”
He looked straight at me. “Don’t call me that.”
He looked at me, then looked away shyly. “I’m not…I’m not a child. Don’t talk to me like I’m…some kid.”
He lowered himself onto my bed, the whiff of his familiar scent tinged my nostrils, and if I was shameless enough to admit, I was probably soaking with desire. Despite his silence, he seemed to always find a way to communicate with his eyes, those deep brown-golden eyes that looked almost luminous in the dark.
Since I’d stopped giving him the medication, his eyes had a distinct glow about them. They weren’t devoid of life like how they used to be when I first came to the mansion, and he was far more expressive about his feelings.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you thought that way. I’m sorry, I won’t call you that.”
The fog was slowly lifting from his mind and body. The panic attacks had also minimized.
He placed a paper crane in front of me. A small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “For you.”
If not for Devin, I would have died from a sugar-coma. Castle was really sweet.
I picked it up, “Thank you.”
He leaned in and kissed me. The paper crane slipped from my hands as they circled around his neck.
I don’t know how long I’d spent kissing him, but I was suddenly aware of what was going on when Castle’s hands caressed the skin of my thighs, reaching up to peel off my panties.
“Castle, no!” I shrieked in a whisper as loudly as I possibly could allow myself in the night.
I couldn’t be mad at him for his indecency with the way he was innocently looking at me.