“If that’s the case, I promise you, I won’t cause any trouble.”
“Good. Off you go then.”
I passed him a smile before turning around to leave. The smile turned into a smirk by the time I was out of the study.
It was true that I wanted what was best for Castle and I wanted to help him with his condition. Only, I was playing a double game. Flushing Castle’s medications down the toilet would bring his memories back and serve my purpose. I would act docile, follow the twisted rules, and finally get what I want. When Dayana had broken my legs and the time I’d spent locked in the basement down below, I had only one thought that forced me to live through that situation.
I wanted the Montgomerys to pay the price for their sins.
And I wouldn’t rest until I’d witnessed it happen.
I tried to remember the last time I’d worn something so beautiful and couldn’t recall a single time that I had.
It was a long royal blue velvet dress, off-shoulders with a V neckline. I had decent curves, which made the dress look great. I’ve had men turn around for a second glance at me when I walked down the streets during the time I wasn’t a captiveemployee at the Montgomery household and so that proved I was attractive, at least.
A glimmering studded necklace adorned my neck; the sapphire gemstone in the center was beautiful, and it matched my earrings. If I weren’t a captive, I’d be tempted to steal the necklace, but of course, I didn’t possess a stealing streak in my body. This necklace would feed a poor family for years. The Montgomerys had far too much wealth. It was old money, passed through generations.
The gown’s length swept on the floor of the black limousine as I wondered if Devin had ordered this particular gown for me on purpose, so if I planned to run away during the party, I would likely trip and fall.
Only, I didn’t plan on escaping, no matter how badly I was tempted to.
Castle sat in the limo facing me. He wore a tailored black tux, hair ruffled, and his face sporting a five o’clock shadow. When I’d first gone to his room to help him dress up, I couldn’t stop thinking about his hands or the innocent way he would keep stealing glances at me with mesmerizing golden-brown eyes. He was drop-dead gorgeous, and I felt a twinge of jealousy for any woman he’d been with before his accident.
If Castle was normal, I was sure he would have reeked of power. He seemed like the type of man who would be honorable, fair, but also strict when he needed to be. I enjoyed guessing what Castle’s real personality would have been before the accident.
The Beckett’s mansion was enormous, but if I should admit, the Montgomery’s mansion would put this one to shame. Marble floors, beautiful chandeliers and long hallways led us to the ballroom where the party was taking place.
Dayana introduced me to the owners of the mansion, Mr. and Mrs. Beckett, an elderly couple who seemed warm andreceiving. I didn’t miss how Dayana said I was ‘Castle’s date’and when I looked at her in confusion; she smiled politely and kicked my foot.
I knew I needed to play along.
The more I stood there looking at all the people, the more I realized I didn’t belong with them. Two months ago, my life was nothing like this, and now I found myself plunged headfirst into a web of lies, deceit, and manipulation.
I hated it, but I also hated my old life with my uncle, where my wings were clipped. At least with Devin, I knew where I stood. If I pretended to play by the rules, he wouldn’t hurt me.
Castle sat at a round table with Chandler beside him. The two brothers were drinking something.
“Miss. Montgomery?”
I turned to find a handsome gentleman standing near me; a strange look was on his face. He was blond, with blue eyes and sharp features.
“Oh, I’m not related to them.” I said quickly, “My name is Millicent Davis.”
“My bad. I thought you were Devin’s cousin,” he chuckled. “I’m Jett.”
He offered me his hand. I took it, “Call me Millie.” I picked a cup from the table and started pouring a deep orange liquid into it.
“A little warning, Millie, that punch you’re about to take. It sucks.” He grinned.
I laughed. “Thanks for the warning.” I emptied the contents of the cup back into the bowl and poured myself some red wine instead.
“The meatballs suck big time, too. The rest all should be good,” Jett said with good humor.
I rolled my eyes. “How do you know so much about the food quality here? Did you do a secret taste test?”
Jett flashed me a grin. “This is my house.”
I choked on my wine, laughing, “Jett Beckett?”