Find a road through the woods.
Either way, it was still going to be a challenge.
I was going to be back to square one, and how stupid of me to think this was the best job I ever had. Of course, there was a catch.
There’s always a catch. It was too good to be true.
I looked at myself in the mirror before running my fingers through my dark hair. I didn’t even have time to comb them. Then, I tied the laces of my sneakers and I was ready to go, but my feet wouldn’t move forward, it’s like fear had locked me in place.
Where would I go from here? What awaited me in the near future?
I told myself that I would get through this just as I have for every other situation.
I opened the door of my room and closed it behind me slowly, making sure I wasn’t making even the slightest sound. I tiptoed down the hallway and onto the first floor, and then made my way to the kitchen. I had little money, but I could at least use some food on my way to nowhere.
I found some ham and cheese in the fridge, so I made myself a quick sandwich because a girl’s got to keep her priorities straight. I wrapped the sandwich in a saran wrap and dumpedDr. Pepperand aCokeinto the bag. Next, I attacked the pantry and tossed packets of salted peanuts, pretzels, and a bag of potato chips into it.
I felt guilty for stealing so much food, but I didn’t know how long I was going to be living on the streets with no job and nowhere to go and there was no chance in hell I was going back to my uncle’s place.
I’d rather be homeless than go back to that monster.
Remembering the past disgusted me.
“Hey sweetpea, remember Bruce? He’d like to say hi to you. Now be a good girl and take care of Bruce for me, okay?” Uncle Mark slurred as he barged into my room that night.
I looked up to find Bruce leering at me, and I heard the sounds of his belt jiggling and knew what was coming next. Uncle Mark told him one hour only, and that he was doing him a favor this time. It would be over soon…
I brushed off all those thoughts and walked out of the kitchen. I’d studied the route that the maids usually took when they went into their rooms in a connected outbuilding that was also part of the mansion. I successfully found the stairs I was looking for and I made sure that no one was following me before walking ahead.
Once I made it outside into the courtyard, I made a run towards the woods. Now I only hoped I could find a road that led me outside of Montgomery’s property. I used my phone’s flashlight to navigate my way through the thick forest.
And I was in for another surprise.
I walked for about forty minutes, ignoring the eerie sounds coming from deep inside the forest.
My legs had turned leaden, but I ignored the pain and kept going. When I reached the clearing, disappointment flooded my emotions.
A lake surrounded the property, and a small villa stood right beside it. I couldn’t stop cursing myself for the sheer bad luck that kept weighing me down.
There was more vegetation on the other side of the lake. Two small boats and a yacht stood near the pier. The boats seemed to be tied loosely with thick ropes.
I had to untangle one of them if I wanted to use one. It would be difficult for me to row the boats alone using the oars, but I didn’t have any other choice. Sure I could go back to themansion and walk to the main gates which would have led me to the bus station, but as Devin had already told me before, no one left the property without his permission so chances of the guards stopping me were higher.
I couldn’t risk that.
I tossed my bag on the ground and began working on the rope tied to the dock, which is when I heard a faint crunching sound behind me, like the snapping sound of a twig.
I spun around quickly, afraid of being caught, or worse, attacked by an animal.
Castle was standing a few feet away from me.
I wondered if he was a figment of my imagination, but that wasn’t the case. He was really standing here before me, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. His wavy hair looked messy.
“What are you doing here?” I asked brusquely.
He stared at me with those innocent whiskey eyes.
“Did you follow me the entire way from the house?” I tried again. “You’re not supposed to be here. I put you to bed.”