Page 56 of Bad at Love

I shrug, sipping from my mug. “Whatever then. Just trying to help.”

“You better not spill that on the hardwood!” he shouts from downstairs just as I’m closing my door.

I have a busy day today. I need to do some research on new content because I’ve barely put anything up. With Gabe agreeing to make videos with me, I thought I’d have videos up with him by now. I’m eager to do it but don’t want to be too pushy. Besides, nothing is hotter than when he comes to me late at night with an erection as hard as nails, begging for me to help him.

I’ve never gone into such depths with someone over a contract before. Of course, I’ve had them with the people I’ve made videos with before, but Gabriel is serious about his contracts.

I’m in my room for about two hours doing research on top creators for ideas on what to put out before I get too hungry to focus. I’d given some ideas to Gabriel the other day, about what we can do, and he was on board for everything. I’m not sure why I was so shocked earlier when he said he would try anything, but since he’s so eager, looking up more stuff can’t hurt. I want to see how far I can push him. And at this point, my sadistic side wants to see how far I can push him before he says no. He hasn’t even had my dick in his ass yet. Maybe we should start there. Or maybe we should start with my dick in his mouth? That’s easier.

One thing I see in common with a lot of these top male creators? Masks. It’s the in-thing, and since no one has seen Gabriel before, it’s perfect. He hadn’t mentioned being nervous about being on camera, but I’m sure he is. It’s scary at first. Regardless of what direction we take things in, using a mask isn’t a bad idea. Not with how popular it’s becoming.

Leaving my room, I head to the kitchen to find something to eat. Gabriel is nowhere to be found. As I sit and eat the burnt grilled cheese I threw together, I think of how we can make this mask thing work. In every video I watched, it was the aggressor, the dominant one, who wore the mask. That certainly isn’t Gabriel. Though I’m vers, I don’t see Gabriel being dominant in any way. Is there a way we can make this work with him wearing the mask and being the submissive one? He can’t have the mask on while he sucks me off because the good ones don’t have mouth-holes. I can fuck him with it on, but is that what people what to see? We could try and see what happens.

Though, the imagery in my head is much hotter with him standing against a wall, mask on, and me on my knees sucking him off. Yeah, that’s really hot. It’ll gain a lot of attention too. We could try that. My dick is hard as stone when I finish my food and get up to find Gabriel.

“Gabe!” I shout, searching through the house. I knock on his bedroom door, but he isn’t there. I check the bathrooms and the office. Not there. His car is here, so he can’t be far… I check the last place I can think of—the backyard. I find him lounging in one of the chairs, reading a book. He really is such a peaceful person. The guy just needs someone to understand him and let him live his life how he wants. Why is that so hard for people to do?

“Hey,” I say, getting his attention as I stop in front of him.

“Hey,” he answers, putting the bookmark on the page he was reading and closing his book. “Everything okay?”

“I need to talk to you about something.”

“Okay…” He sits up, throwing his legs off the edge of the chair, brow furrowed.

“What do you think about wearing a mask?” I ask.

“Like a medical face mask?” he asks with a frown.

“No,” I say firmly. “Like a scary mask. Something from Halloween. You know, ghost face or Mike Myers. Jason even.”

“Are you talking in everyday life or…”

“For the videos, Gabe. Come on, focus.” I clap my hands.

“Right, sorry.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I have a headache.”

“You know what cures headaches?” I ask, waggling my brows.

“Acetaminophen?” he says.

I groan. “Forget it. So, about the mask?”

He chews on the inside of his lip, eyes going a little hazy as he thinks it over. He finally says, “I need details.”

I explain what I found and my idea of him wearing the mask and how we would have to pick positions.

“What’s vers?” he asks.

“Versatile. Means I enjoy topping and bottoming.”

“Oh… okay. So we need labels for that?” He scratches his head, combing his fingers through his curls to pull them away from his face.

“Well, no. We don’t need labels for that, or for anything, but typically in a sexual relationship, each person is comfortable in a certain position, regardless of sex or sexual orientation.”

“But for the sake of the videos and the mask-wearing, it should be designated to one person?”

He’s smart. Catches on quickly.