Chapter One
Roommate Application
Name:Storm Andrews
Contact Number:Email only please
Employment Status:Self-employed
Income:100k annually
Previous Address:Boston Ma
Length of Time:8 years
Rent Cost:3k monthly
Vehicle Info:None
Do you have pets?No
Do you smoke?No
Do you drink?Occasionally
What is your typical routine????
Are you loud?No?
Do you leave the toilet seat up?Sometimes?
Will you clean up after yourself?Yes
Why are you moving?Clsoer to family
Why do you want to live here?Close to family
Anything else you think I should know:No
I reread the application for the third time, and each time my stomach has gone a little more sour.
“Gabriel, are you there?” Marta barks from the other end of the phone.
“I’m here,” I say with a huff and close out of the email.
“Well, what does it say?” she urges.
Marta, who is the only person I consider a friend, is not known for being subtle. She’s loud, in your face, and always making friends with someone new. It’s strange.
“It’s a bad one,” I whisper with a head shake, even though she can’t see it.
“I don’t believe that for a second,” she snaps. “What’s wrong with this one?”