“Stop being so upset, Storm. You’re about to fuck my husband,” he says with a grin.
That affects me in a way I didn’t expect. My dick twitches in excitement. And here I was, actually a little worried that Iwouldfreak out.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Storm says, shoving Dom off him.
Dom chuckles as he leads the way down the hall to the basement door. Their basement is their recording studio. The entire downstairs is set up for recording, with cameras up at all times. All they have to do is hit the record button. It’s set up to record everything down here, or just different sections.
There is a kitchen on one side, where they record all their naked baking episodes. The other side is the bedroom and living room area. They showed us around when we first came here, but I’ve never been down here to record anything.
Walking down the stairs feels different this time. Exciting. Knowing what’s about to happen has me thrilled. I mean, how lucky am I that my boyfriend is cool with this?
The four of us have talked about this extensively for an entire month. The idea was randomly brought up by, you guessed it, Dominic. I was the only other one who took that first conversation seriously. It eventually turned into a legitimate idea and we started talking logistics. Dom and I got a contract drawn up. We all signed. Now, here we are, ready to do this.
“So we all remember the rules?” Dominic says, looking between all of us.
“Yep,” Mikah says.
“Yes,” I answer.
“Obviously,” Storm answers. Dominic walks over to the desk hidden in a small alcove. He wakes up the computer by swiping the mouse, then clicks a few things which pulls up the camera views on the screen.
“We’re officially recording,” he says with a grin.
Storm will get a raw copy of the file to edit it how he wants, just as Dominic can edit it how he wants. This way the videos will have slight variations, and maybe they will have subs swap over to each other’s sites to see the different versions.
“Does anyone want a drink?” Mikah asks, moving toward the fridge. I appreciate how laid back Mikah is. He makes it easy to be around. Though I’ve spent a lot of time with Dominic and have gotten used to him over this last year, he can still be a lot for me sometimes.
“Sure,” Storm answers.
“Why not?” I say.
“Dom?” Mikah asks.
“You know I do, baby.”
Mikah comes back a moment later with four beers, handing them off to us. Storm and I get comfortable on the couch, which faces the bed where Dominic and Mikah sit.
We did not come up with a plan for how this video would go. Apparently that’s what Dominic likes to do, and we weren’t opposed to it. I’m just wondering how, exactly, things are supposed to get started…
Which gets answered a short time later, when we’re all finished with our beers and start on a second one. Dominic grips Mikah’s chin when he gets handed the beer. He kisses him so indecently, it’s hot as hell. One of them groans, and Dominic takes his beer and Mikah’s and blindly puts them down on the nightstand by the bed.
I sneak a glance at Storm, who is smirking as he watches them. When I look down, I see him hard, and without needing direction, I put my beer down and get on my knees in front of him.
It’s no secret that Storm likes to watch and be watched. I don’t know how I’ll feel about other people watching me, but I’ve always liked it when Storm did, and I’m fine knowing otherpeople do with the videos we make. Today is going to be a great way to find out how well I do with all this. If it goes well, we’ll make more down the line.
I flip open the button of Storm’s jeans and undo the zipper to pull out his hard dick. The groans behind me get louder, and I look up at Storm, licking my lips.
He leans back, putting his beer down and shoving his pants down further to free his balls. I lean in and lick them, sucking one into my mouth while I lazily stroke him.
“Are we husband swapping?” Dominic asks from behind me. I smile up at Storm, wondering if he’s going to correct him or just answer the question. Storm and I aren’t married. We’ve talked about it, but haven’t taken that step yet. Neither of us are in a rush. Mostly because he’s still a little worried about it and I have a not so good history with marriage. But it’s okay—we’re both okay with how things are. We don’t need to be married to be happy. Though, I do like the thought of being called his husband and him mine.
“Fuck yeah, we are,” Storm answers. “I remember how tight your husband’s ass is, and I want it again.” He looks down at me and winks, which causes my stomach to heat. I did not think I’d enjoy thissomuch, and we’ve barely gotten started. Part of me was worried I’d be jealous over seeing my boyfriend fuck someone else, but with the way I’m feeling, it seems the complete opposite. I can’t wait to see it.
“Good,” Dominic answers. “But I hope Gabriel knows what he’s in for. Because I’m not taking it easy on him.”
“I don’t expect you to,” Storm answers, running his hand over my head. “But he needs to be a good boy and suck my dick first, or he’s not getting your cock at all.”
Good lord…