Page 122 of Bad at Love

“I love you, Storm, really I do. But no offense, I don’t want to die with only experiencing sex with one person.”

He gasps, loud and dramatic.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he says, “I still think you don’t know what you’re getting into with Dominic.”

“Guess I’m about to find out.”

He frowns, so I lean closer and ask, “Areyousure about this? Because I’m starting to wonder…”

“Oh, I’m totally fine with this. I’ve already done it, remember?”

“How could I forget?” I roll my eyes. “You talk about it all the time.”

“I do not.”

“You kind of do, though.”

“Just… shut up.” He laughs as he goes in for a kiss, then shuts the car off and we get out. I take Storm’s hand as we walk up the walkway to the front door of Dominic and Mikah’s house.

We moved from Seattle three months ago and are now residents of California, not too far from Dominic and Mikah, in Monterey.

While working on our relationship, we became close friends with them and went on a handful of vacations with them over the last year. With each one, I wanted to go on more and more, so I ended up quitting my job with Storm’s full support. He said he was fine taking care of me, since he makes enough money, as long as I was okay with him continuing to make content. I am, though I did say I wanted to keep doing it too. So, now I guess I’m an official cam boy? Or at least a constant guest in Storm’s videos. We make plenty of money to live the life we want, and after traveling so much, I quickly realized Seattle isn’t where I wanted to settle down. I was there because it’s where my family was and what I was supposed to do. But I’m not doing that anymore, not since Storm and I decided to pursue a life together. So we moved. When we talked to Dominic and Mikah about it, they said they were thinking of moving too. So we took the adventure together and decided on Monterey. We don’t regret it.The area is beautiful, and it’s nice having people we know close by. We hang out with them at least once a week.

Tonight, though, we are doing something new. We’re making a video with all four of us, with equal sharing rights, so we all can post on our platforms, if we want. Considering I don’t have one and Dominic and Mikah share one, it’ll only be posted in two places, which is fine. At least it’ll be out there, and according to all three of them, making a ton of money.

When we reach the door, I go to ring the bell, but Storm grabs my arm.

“Are you sure?” he says again, and I huff out an annoyed sound.

“Stop treating me like a baby, Storm. I know what I’m doing.”

He holds his hands up, and I press the button. Dominic opens the door a few seconds later with a big grin on his face.

“Didn’t think you would show,” he says.

“We almost didn’t,” I add, causing Dominic to raise a brow.

“Why the hell not?”

“Because Storm thinks I’m going to freak out.”

Dominic turns toward him. “Are you secretly freaking out?”

“That’s what I thought, but he says no,” I say.

“Who’s freaking out?” Mikah asks, coming around the corner.

“Storm,” me and Dominic say at the same time.

“I am not!” he argues.

Mikah gives him a knowing smile. “And you were so confident the last time.”

“You all suck,” Storm mutters. pushing past us to move inside the house.

“They’re about to be,” Dominic says, closing and locking the door.

I huff out a laugh, and Mikah grins, but Storm is still pouting. Thankfully, there’s Dominic to the rescue. He throws his arm around Storm, giving him a little shake.