Page 110 of Bad at Love

“I wonder if that place has any special meaning to him…” she says knowingly.

I shake my head. How did I not consider this? Maybe because I hadn’t considered him caring. He has no reason to go there, no ties to that place, other than his friends getting married there and us spending the weekend there.

“I have to go,” I say softly, then jump to my feet. “I have to go.”

“Be safe, Gabriel. Go find your Thunder Storm.”

I pull the phone from my ear to end the call, but then quickly bring it back.

“Thank you, Marta. Seriously, I cannot thank you enough.”

“You’re so welcome, Gabriel.”

The call ends this time, and I sit back down as I look for a flight. I can’t be sure Storm is still on the island, but considering he was making transactions there just a few days ago, it’s a good place to look. And if he isn’t, I guess I’m just marking one more spot off my list, which is better than nothing.

The warm breeze brushes across my skin as I step out into the bright sun. I don’t have a plan, even though I had a long flight to think it over. The island isn’t huge, but it’s big enough that it’ll take me time to find him—if he’s even here. But I go off instinct, hoping like hell that it’ll serve me right.

I get a car to the hotel we stayed at for Dominic and Mikah’s wedding. As I make my way there, I can’t help but think how easy it is to take these ride shares. It was never something I would do before, but now that I’ve done it with Storm a few times, I realize it’s not so bad. I took one to the airport back home, after parking my car in the garage because hail was on the weather forecast, and I’ve already had shattered windshields thanks to that.

When I’m dropped off, I don’t go to the front desk. I go right to the elevator and up to the tenth floor. When the doors open, memories of the wedding night crash over me. I was drunk, but I remember so much of that night. Like trying to get into his pants in the hallway. Not able to keep my hands off him as he tried toopen the door. The way he took control once we were inside, and the way he felt against me once we finally got naked.

Making my way down the hall, my feet move faster with each door that I pass. I stop in front of room 1021 and raise my hand to knock. I have no idea what I’m doing. This is crazy. The craziest thing I’ve ever done, I think. My hand falls to my side. What if he isn’t here? Or worse, what if he is? How psycho am I going to look? I came all the way here just to find him after he left.

He left. He hasn’t called me. That means he doesn’t want to talk to me. I shouldn’t have come. I should have just left this alone and gotten over it. But… I can’t do that. I won’t. I refuse to let this go until I know for sure that he doesn’t want to be with me. I need to hear those words. So, I raise my hand again, and this time I knock on the door firmly three times.

Chapter Forty-Four


I walk toward the hotel door, pulling it open and smiling when I see who’s on the other side.

“Took you long enough,” I say, stepping out into the hall.

Dominic pulls me in for a hug, clapping me on the back.

“I told you I had shit to do,” he answers.

I check the door handle to make sure my hotel room is closed, and then we move down the hallway and onto the elevator.

“You’re sure Mikah doesn’t care about this?”

“I’m sure.” He rolls his eyes as he presses the button for the lobby.

“Don’t give me that attitude. I just want to make sure. Given our history…”

“If my husband can’t trust me with guys, then we shouldn’t be married.”

“I’d say this situation calls for a little doubt.”

Dominic glares at me. “If I wanted to fuck you, Storm, I’d just tell my husband, and he’d join me. Like last time.”

“Ah, but last time wasn’t because you wanted to fuckme. It was because you wanted to make him jealous so you could fuck him better.”

Dominic chuckles. “Goddamn, you’re right, and what a lovely fucking it was.”

The elevator doors open and we step into the lobby, then head to the front to grab a car to the bar across the island.

I’d wanted to stay at the hotel I’d stayed at when I was here last time, because I really liked it, but then decided being close to Dominic and Mikah would be good. They are the reason I came here, anyway. After freaking out two nights after I left Gabriel’s, I called Dominic in a panic. He told me to meet them on the island, since they were still here and didn’t have plans to go home anytime soon. Must be nice—I say that, but I could very well live my life the same way if I wanted to. In fact, maybe I should.