Page 74 of Bad at Love

“I’m good. Getting by. She’s the same as usual, and I don’t want to talk about it but you know that.”

Why wouldn’t he want to talk about his mother? He’s never told me that before, but now that I think about it, he doesn’t talk about her outside of saying he’s visiting her. I wonder if maybe they don’t have a great relationship? I don’t like to talk about my mother either.

“Don’t be a pain this early in the day, Dom,” Mikah scolds, reaching for his water.

“Fine,” Dominic relents with an eye roll, turning his attention to me. “So, tell us about yourself, Gabriel.”

“Oh, uh… well, I’m a lab tech in the emergency department.”

“That sounds interesting,” Dominic comments in a friendly tone.

“It can be.”

“Storm, what have you been up to since we last saw you?” Mikah cuts in, and I’m grateful for it. At least he can sense I’m not the talk-about-myself type.

“Not much, really. Hung out in Cali for a few weeks. Went back to Boston for a while, then made my way to Seattle. I stayed in a hotel until I found the room at Gabriel’s. Really thankful for that, because I was losing my sanity in the hotel room.”

“I’m surprised you spent time in the hotel room at all.” Dominic laughs. “Are your clubbing days over?”

Storm shrugs, his cheeks getting a little pink. “Just haven’t been in the mood to go out lately.”

The waitress comes to take our orders, and then we make small talk. Mostly it’s them catching up and me watching their interactions and listening. They’re comfortable talking to one another, but I can tell Dominic and Storm get along better than him and Mikah. Not that they don’t like each other, I don’t sense tension, just that maybe they don’t know each other as well? Or Dominic’s and Storm’s personalities just mesh better? I don’t know Dominic or Mikah well enough to judge how they are. I’m just glad they’re accepting of me being here.

“So, is this your first time on the island?” Mikah asks me after we’ve gotten our food.

“It is, yes. Thank you for having me.”

“We’re just glad Storm wanted to bring someone,” Dominic says, giving Storm another shake and laughing. Yep, very touchy-feely. Glad I sat on this side. Mikah has kept his hands to himself this whole time, and I appreciate that.

When we’re finished eating, Storm insists on covering the bill since Dominic and Mikah shouldn’t have to pay for anything asthey’re getting married. I agree, though I wish he would have let me contribute. We part ways outside, letting them know we will see them soon.

“So, what are we going to do in the meanwhile?” I ask.

Storm takes my hand, grinning and walking forward. “We’re going shopping.”

“Shopping? Why are we shopping?”

I hate shopping. There are people and decisions to be made.

“Because I’m pretty sure everything you packed won’t suit a wedding on Kauai.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, getting a little worried. Are weddings here different from weddings in other places? I packed nice clothing, as I knew we would be attending a wedding.

“How about we just go with I want to dress you up?”

“What in the world… why would you want to do that?”

Storm rolls his eyes, and we keep walking.

“Just accept it, Gabriel.”

With a sigh, I keep walking and do as he says. By the time we reach the clothing store, I’ve accepted that I’m going to be wearing something I won’t be comfortable in. But if it’s going to make Storm happy, I guess I can deal with it for a few hours.

Chapter Thirty


The elevator doors open and I step out, taking a few strides before I realize Gabriel isn’t beside me. I find him still in the elevator, the doors starting to close. I dash forward, slipping back inside.