You haven’t told me much about her.
Was I supposed to?
Well, no, but since we’re roommates, I just figured it made sense…
Please answer your phone.
I frown at my phone, not understanding that last text until it rings.
“Gabriel,” I say.
“Yeah, definitely you. Are you okay? Are you being held against your will? Trying to send me a sign that you need help?”
“What? No. I’m fine.”
“Younevertext me. Ever. We don’t talk.”
“We talk plenty.”
“Maybe over meals, or if we’re in the same room, but…”
Oh, I understand what’s happening.
“I’m sorry. I must have misread our relationship. My fault. Have fun visiting your mother.”
I end the call and put my phone on silent, my cheeks burning.
I’m not sure why this bothers me so much. It’s embarrassment, for sure. I thought we were being friendly. I’ve been trying to be nicer to him and he’s been nice to me. We share meals together; we sit outside together, we talk. But I guess that’s only aninside the housething, and nothing more. I get it. That’s fine.
In fact, now that I know there are boundaries, it will be easier to stop my mind from making up these weird scenarios. Like that maybe he was thinking about me while he was in the shower this morning.
Chapter Fourteen
Things at the house with Gabe have been awkward and a little tense, like those first few days when I moved in. Weird how comfortable we’d gotten together without noticing. I haven’t noticed how much it all changed.
The only thing I can think of that’s caused this shift is me walking into his bedroom that morning. Sure, I could have knocked, but I knocked once and the door was partly open. Besides, it’s not like I saw anything. Other than the anaconda trying to escape his pants, that is. The guy is fucking packing.
It’s not the first time I saw him walking around with an erection. At least, that’s what I thought. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe that bulge I thought was a stiffy was just his junk this whole time, because that’s how big it is. He’d make a killing in my field with that weapon.
I’m on my way out the door, packages to be mailed under my arm. There is a drop-off box on the way to Mom that I’ll put them in, since the labels are already paid. I spent my morning packing orders to ship out. Usually I visit Mom in the morning, but I needed to get this stuff done. Plus, maybe I’m avoiding Gabe. He’s due back from work shortly, so the longer I’m out, the longer I’ll go without seeing him. Not sure if this awkwardness will go away a second time. Maybe I should apologize for going into his room? That might make him feel better. Won’t know until I try, I guess.
A package falls from my grip as I hurry down the steps. I stop and turn to get it from where it landed on the second to top step. That’s when I hear the car pull into the driveway. Well, so much for avoiding him. Lifting my hand to wave, I say, “Hey, how was work?” as he’s getting out of the car.
Shifting his bag up his shoulder, he responds, “It was fine. You need a hand?”
Could’ve used one while I was making all these orders.
“Nah, I’m good.” I move down the walkway toward the road.
“Oh, you’re leaving?” he says, surprised. Which throws me, because I thought we weren’t talking? I thought he was upset with me.
“Yeah, gonna drop this off and visit Mom.”