“I think you meant clusterfuck,” Diego countered.

“We should have blown the place up right from the start,” Amir stated. “If we had, Sasha wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”

“No, we did the right thing checking first. We had no way of knowing the folks from Woolly Pillars were already compromised.” Cyrus stated.

“Fuck, those poor people,” Amir murmured.

“From the smell of them, some had been there a while,” Cyrus remarked. “Thaddeus claims there was more than one pack. But how did that happen? Wouldn’t Nathan have known if one or more of them went missing?”

“Depends, I guess, on how often the alphas check in,” Amir offered. “Who knows how many others have been taken and turned into monsters.”

“Or how many ghouls escaped in the chaos at the warehouse,” Diego added.

“That was a pretty aggressive explosion,” Cyrus stated and then glanced at Diego cradling a suckling Sasha. “You doing okay there, bud? Need me to take over?”

“In a few minutes.” Diego found himself reluctant to give her over just yet.

“I’m going to shower,” Amir announced. “I reek.”

They all did. When Cyrus snared Sasha to give her a turn sucking on him, Diego sluiced off next, doing his best to ignore what washed down the drain. He’d killed people today. Some of them familiar. It chilled to think had he not been kidnapped by Sasha he might have been one of them.

By the time he emerged, clean and in a better frame of mind, Cyrus went next, bringing Sasha with him, rinsing her free of the grime coating her. They stripped her and dressed her in a clean T-shirt before nestling her in the middle of the bed.

Amir cleared his throat. “Given Thaddeus’ warning, are we taking turns sleeping?”

“Probably the best idea. I’ll take first watch while you get some rest. You’re a lot more busted than me and Cyrus.”

No argument from Amir, which just went to show how hard the day had been. He clambered into bed and spooned against Sasha on one side. Cyrus ended up taking the other spot with the understanding Diego would wake him in a few hours for his turn.

It turned out to be a quiet day—no ghouls, no Lycans, and, best of all, no cops knocking—and they all got a bit of sleep. A good thing they had a chance to recover because Sasha woke hungry.

And not for blood.


Sasha knewshe’d been gravely injured. The worst she’d ever experienced, and yet when she woke and stretched, she felt great. Better than great. Energized.

A lick of her lips let her taste lingering blood. Lycan blood. She even knew whose.


She had no recollection of feeding, and yet, she must have, and, given the triple hum she felt, a bond that stretched to the three men in the room with her, she knew who’d donated.

Her lovers.

Her protectors.

Her mates.

Amir stirred in the chair where he’d been keeping watch. “Evening, Shorty. How you feeling?”

“Great,” she purred, stretching, which woke the men sleeping by her side. “I see we survived the ghoul attack in the warehouse. What happened? I don’t remember anything after getting tackled and chewed on.”

“Your boss showed up.”

“Thaddeus killed them?” She couldn’t help a note of surprise.

“Of sorts. He managed to get them to freeze long enough for us to book it, and then Tim set off some C4. Blew the warehouse sky-high.”