Sasha sighed. “Stop acting like I’m about to die. I’ll be with you in less than a minute. Now, git.”

A reluctant Cyrus, Diego, and Amir piled into the vehicle. Pierrot parked them up the road, and they all craned to watchin tense silence as Sasha jumped into the truck and eased it forward. She nudged the fuel line with the front end, and Cyrus probably imagined he could hear the hiss of releasing gas.

She hopped out of the driver’s seat and walked several paces—not enough for Cyrus’ liking—before pivoting and taking aim.

One tiny woman with too much fucking courage.

They all heard the pop of the bullet and saw the bright flash as it connected with the gas. The bright flash of the explosion had him blinking, and the vehicle rocked despite the distance. When Cyrus could see without spots again, he strained for a glimpse of Sasha but could only see billowing smoke and flame.

Amir, who’d chosen to ride in the trunk, yelled, “I see her.” He slammed the button to release the hatch and rolled out before it finished opening. He loped for Sasha and scooped her limping frame into his arms before running back.


A second explosion shook the ground. Amir stumbled but kept his footing, reaching the SUV and clambering into the back with her. “We’re in. Go,” he shouted as the hatch beeped the entire time it closed.

Tires spun, spitting gravel, as Pierrot took off, racing away from the inferno they’d started.

“Whew. Almost lost my eyebrows.” Sasha joked.

“Jeezus, you moved fast,” Diego exclaimed.

“One of my gifts,” she replied with a wink.

“Where to?” Pierrot asked as he took a sharp turn to get them out of direct line of sight of any first responders who might already be en route.

“I told you we need to check out the warehouse.”

“Is that wise?” he countered.

“We don’t have a choice. We need answers. Not to mention, there’s a chance the other trucks full of people could be saved.”

Diego frowned. “You don’t think they have already been turned?”

“I have no idea, but one way or another, we need to take care of it.” One way being saving the people if they could. The other being making sure the ghouls didn’t go on a bloody rampage.

“Why do this to them at all?” Anabel waved her hands. “I thought this master was trying to expose Lycans, so why turn those people into ghouls?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll find out at the warehouse, but I think we’d better be prepared for more trouble because we’re here.” Pierrot slowed the SUV down as the large, dilapidated building came into view.

“I don’t see any trucks,” Diego remarked.

“They’re most likely inside.” Anabel pointed to the roll-up doors.

“We going in for a sniff around or just blowing it up?” Amir asked.

“I think it’s wiser we have a peek before we decide to do anything.” Sasha leaned over the rear seat back to have a better look.

“Thaddeus told us to stay out if we thought the master might be present,” Pierrot reminded, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

“And how are we supposed to know if this master is there without entering?” Sasha countered.

“How far is Thaddeus? Should we call him?” Anabel questioned, holding up her phone.

“His last text said he’d be here shortly.” Pierrot clutched the steering wheel, indecision plain on his face.

“How shortly? Because dawn is coming, and we’ve yet to find a place to hole up for the day,” Anabel replied, which then had Cyrus worrying. “Do we have time to poke?”

“There are enough vacant buildings in the area that I’m sure we can find something dark to hole up for the day. If you’re all too scared, then I’ll check it out by myself,” Sasha declared before popping the trunk and exiting the SUV. Amir joined her. Actually, they all did, with Pierrot emerging last and on a long sigh.