“It is an option, assuming I can break this master’s hold, but I doubt they’d agree to live in the compound, seeing as how they already have homes. Not to mention, where would we put them?”

“We could figure something out. Wooly Pillars isn’t safe,” Amir huffed.

“No, it isn’t.” Thaddeus sighed. “I guess we can figure out accommodations, but I will only take those who are truly willing to serve under me, and of course, they’ll need their minds checked for influence. I am already en route, but given the approaching dawn, it’s doubtful I’ll have time to do more than a quick scout of this warehouse before I’m forced into hiding. I don’t suppose you can keep them drugged until the next sunset?”

“We don’t have any syringes left.”

“That’s unfortunate,” Thaddeus grumbled.

Sasha pursed her lips. “Speaking of waking dogs, I think I hear one stirring.”

“Go handle it then meet up with Pierrot and the others. But hold off entering the warehouse until my arrival.”

“Will do, boss.” Sasha hung up and glanced at Amir. “Pull over.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Not me, you. You’re Lycan. They’re more likely to listen to you.”

Thump.Thump. He glanced behind him. “Seems like more than few have woken. Fuck.”

“I’ll be close by in case you need a hand,” she reassured.

“Pity they couldn’t stay asleep. We’re, like, five minutes away from the warehouse,” he groused as he exited the truck. As he rounded it to the rear, he was surprised to not hear any yelling. He would have expected some panicked knocking and screams for help.

“What’s wrong?” Sasha asked, noticing his hesitation.

“Something ain’t right. Could be Monty’s tougher than you thought.”

“No way he regenerated this fast.” She shook her head.

“Guess we’ll soon find out. Stand back,” he warned as he cranked the bar holding the roll-down door shut.

He gave the handle a tug to start moving it upward, only to have it wrenched from his hands.

Amir stumbled back and stared in horror.

With reason.

The people had woken, as had the wolves, but any hopes of saving them disappeared at the sight of the red glint in their eyes and slack jaws.

A shocked Sasha yelled, “Ghouls.”

Which appeared to be the magical word for “attack.”


Cyrus was drivingwhen Thaddeus called to update them on the fact he’d heard from Sasha and Amir. Pierrot played the conversation over the SUV’s speaker so they could all hear the recap of what the pair had gone through. The duo lived, but the rest of the news proved grim. An entire pack stolen with some forced to shift and kill in front of witnesses. While they’d recovered one of the trucks with victims, two more were apparently missing. Hopefully they’d find them at the address recovered from Monty’s phone. Amir and Sasha were en route, and now so were Cyrus and the gang.

The invasion of Wooly Pillars made Cyrus glad his parents had chosen to retire in Florida, thus avoiding this clusterfuck. As for Diego, he did all he could to avoid his dad since his mom died. He wouldn’t shed any tears if his dad didn’t return.

Thaddeus finished the call with a warning. “Be very cautious investigating this warehouse. If you suspect this master is at all in the vicinity, keep away and wait for me.”

Their new alpha hung up, and Pierrot stated, “In a stroke of luck, we’re only about five minutes from the warehouse. Keep going straight and keep your eyes peeled for a large moving truck.”

Hardly luck. Cyrus had been following the tether between him and Sasha ever since she regained consciousness. Sasha was close. Very close. Cyrus eased up on the gas before suddenly veering.

“Where are you going?” Pierrot yelled as the tires screamed. “The warehouse isn’t that way.”