“We’re not in the clear yet,” she reminded. “We appear to be in a parking lot behind some kind of restaurant open twenty-four hours with a truck full of kidnapped and drugged people, a dead wolf, a sleeping one, and a vampire traitor.”
“What dead wolf? Mine was still breathing,” Amir stated as he glanced over her head to eye the male he’d knocked out, only to utter, “Oh shit.”
“What now?” Sasha exclaimed.
“Looks like my guy was hungry.” The male wolf, still in the grips of the bloodfever, had his muzzle buried in the traitor’s belly, slurping guts. Nasty, but in better news, Monty wouldn’t be an issue.
“So much for questioning him,” Sasha sighed. “Now we’ll never know where Monty was going and who he took orders from.”
“Don’t give up yet. Omar might know something, and I doubt he’s gotten far.” It would be a cinch to follow his brother’s trail, especially since Omar never was any good at hiding.
“I’m not sure that’s our wisest course of action given the mess.” Sasha pursed her lips as she eyed the bodies on the pavement. “First thing, we need to stop that wolf from eating.” Monty might have been weak, but his remains would still impart some power.
“And how do you suggest I do that? I know for a fact getting between a wolf and his dinner is a bad idea.”
“Hey, you! What are you doing back here?” someone shouted. A glance showed a man in a dirty apron standing by the rear entrance to the restaurant with a cigarette in hand.
“Busted,” Amir muttered. “Come on. Time to vamoose before he calls the cops.”
“We can’t leave Monty’s body or the wolves behind. See what you can do about subduing the Lycan while I handle the guy.”
As she stalked over to the fellow with a smile, Amir managed to scoop an unbroken syringe and headed for the eating wolf. While he drugged the male, he heard Sasha croon, “Oh, hello there.”
“Don’t hello me. What the fuck? Is that a wolf eating a person?” the guy practically yelled.
“Yes, but also no. Did no one tell you about the movie being shot in your alley?”
“What movie?” the smoker asked as Amir hefted the sleeping male and headed for the truck to toss him in.
“Horror film, of course. But it’s a secret.” Her voice lowered into a purr. “You came out for a cigarette and saw nothing.”
“Nope. Not a thing,” Sasha confirmed. “But someone did make a mess. A drunk puked, and you need to hose down the alley. All of it.”
“Hose the puke,” the guy mumbled while Amir scooped the female and also placed her in the truck.
With instructions given and memories wiped, Sasha returned to Amir.
“Is he actually dead?” he asked, standing over the disemboweled vampire.
Sasha knelt and eyed the wound. “Yeah. An older vampire might have been able to heal, but Monty lacked the maturity. Just in case, though…” She grabbed Monty’s head and twisted it hard enough the vertebrae cracked. “There, that should keep him busy, putting himself back together, in case I’m wrong about his regeneration abilities.”
“Where should I put him?”
“Toss him in the back.”
“You do realize a half-eaten body will cause some panic if any of the Lycans wake,” Amir warned as he scooped the bloody remains.
“I don’t think there’s any way we can avoid people freaking at this point.” She eyed him. “You need some clothes. While I would love to admire your naked body for hours, a naked man driving will draw attention.”
“Let me see what I can cobble together from those in the back.” Amir felt icky about stripping the big dude snoring, but he needed the shorts and shirt more than the guy did. The shoes proved a tight fit, but better than being bare-toed.
Amir joined Sasha in the truck and said, “Where to?”
“Anywhere but here for now. Start driving while I figure out our next move.”
Amir put the truck into gear and removed them from the alley. As he drove, he noticed her rummaging in the glove box, the middle console, even between her legs.