Amir tripped Monty and landed atop him, knees digging into the vampire’s chest, giving him better leverage. It pleased to see how well her training had paid off.

“Don’t kill him,” she yelled. “We need him alive for questioning.”

Amir didn’t glance her way, knowing from their lessons to avoid being distracted, but he did snarl, “Any suggestions on how to subdue the fucker?”

“Hold on to him for a few seconds. I have an idea.”

“Hold on she says,” Amir grumbled just as Monty managed to slither out from under him. Amir proved quick though, throwing his arms around Monty’s head and neck in a chokehold. The vampire strained and bucked and might have broken free if Amir hadn’t wrapped his powerful thighs around the writhing body.

Sasha whirled and barked at Omar. “Toss me one of the sleeping needles.”

Omar’s mouth opened and shut, but he didn’t move.

“Now, or I will tear your throat out even if it pisses off your brother,” she snapped.

Omar scrabbled for the pouch slung around his torso and pulled out a capped syringe. He tossed it to Sasha, who caught it one-handed and spun. While in motion, she tugged the cap off with her teeth, and as Amir grunted against Monty’s violent thrashing, she jabbed. The needle sank into Monty’s flesh, and she depressed the plunger, injecting him with the drug.

“You bitch.” Monty yelled as he slammed his head into Amir’s face, the nose smash causing her wolf to lose his grip. Monty heaved Amir off his body.

“Give up, Monty. There is no escape,” Sasha stated.

The vampire sprang to his feet but swayed. “Even if you take me captive, I won’t tell you anything,” Monty slurred as the sleeping solution took effect.

“It’s not me you’ll have to answer to, but Thaddeus.” And her boss wouldn’t be gentle or kind with his questions.

“He is weak compared to my m-a-a-s-s-s-t-e-r…”

The fight went out of Monty as the sleeping potion did its thing. Amir grabbed him before he hit the ground. “What do you want me to do with the fucker?”

“Hold on to him just in case he’s faking while I find some cuffs.”

“We’re out of the plastic zip ties,” Omar muttered.

The sullen reply drew Amir’s glaring attention. “In that case, hand over the rest of the syringes so we can make sure his ass stays sleeping for a while.”

“You’re mad at me,” Omar stated as he unslung the satchel.

“Ya think?” Amir’s sarcastic reply.

“I wasn’t going to let him hurt you,” Omar lied.

“You were ready to hand me over to save your ass, which is almost as bad as selling out Moon Dew for dough. You helpedkill those people. Innocents that you knew. What the fuck, Omar?”

“He mesmerized me.” Once more, the young man tried to fib, but Amir wasn’t having it.

“For fuck’s sake, I heard Monty complaining you weren’t under his control. You did those things willingly. For money.”

“Not just for the cash,” Omar exclaimed. “I didn’t know they would kill everyone in Moon Dew. I thought they were just taking the dormants, and it would be worth it if they could learn how to make them access their wolf. If Lorelei could?—”

Sasha could see manipulation in the mention of their sister, so she cut him off. “Then why the hell did you help Monty once you were at the compound? Was he still paying you?”

“Yeah, but it was more than that. Monty told me that getting rid of those rogues would ensure Nathan stopped sending wolves to Thaddeus.”

“Why the fuck would you want that to happen?” snarled Amir.

“Because a vampire shouldn’t be an alpha, but you’re too obsessed with getting inherpants and couldn’t see it. Wouldn’t leave. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were,” Omar spewed with a jutted lower lip.

Sasha poked Monty with a second syringe, and only then did Amir drop the body to the pavement, his expression incredulous as he stared at his brother. “Are you really that fucking stupid?”