“Yes. As we speak, social media is in a frenzy from the videos being posted. By morning, everyone will know werewolves exist.”
“Why would you do that?” Omar didn’t hide his shock. “They’ll kill us once they find out.”
“I do believe that is the plan.”
The puzzling pieces Sasha gleaned did not yet form a complete picture but informed enough for her to be very concerned. By the sounds of it, Monty had unleashed someLycans on unsuspecting humans. However, his assertion that everyone would believe in werewolves by morning? Doubtful. Most would likely accuse the posters of using AI to fake the videos. Still, if Monty planned to keep siccing Lycans on the population, it would draw scrutiny. At the same time, Sasha didn’t see the benefit to this so-called master. History had shown Lycans and vampires thrived only when they kept their existence secret.
“I don’t know if I want to be a part of this.”
“Too late, and enough with your questions and pathetic bleating. I can’t wait until you are biddable like the others. That was sly of Thaddeus to dose you and your companions with Roderick’s ashes.”
“What do you mean by biddable? I thought we were partners,” Omar stated petulantly.
“As if I’d align myself withyou.”Spoken with a clear sneer. “As for the geas Thaddeus placed on your mind… It won’t withstand the power of my master.”
A startling claim because with Roderick dead and the queen missing, there should be no vampire left with the power to influence Lycans—short of Thaddeus’ alpha-command ability, which fell short of creating actual thralls.
“What do you mean that fucker messed with my head?”
“Enough!” Monty bellowed.
“Jeezus, no reason to get nasty,” Omar exclaimed in a sulky tone. “Here. Take this guy. He got his second dose right after Amir.”
“No. Bring me your brother now, or else.”
“Or else what?” Omar riposted childishly.
“I will slit his throat in front of you and drink him dry,” hissed Monty. “Then, you shall take his place.”
“Ha, as if I’d wolf out and expose myself,” Omar scoffed.
“You won’t have a choice. I’ve got an elixir that forces Lycans to shift and, as an added bonus, turns them into rabid killing machines. The trio I dumped earlier managed to kill seven and injure another dozen before a bystander blew out half their brains.”
“What the fuck?” Omar whispered. “Was this your plan all along?”
“Yes, you dumb dog. Now, bring me your brother or take his place, and do it quick. I don’t have all night. We need to be at the warehouse before dawn.”
Warehouse? Sasha perked at hearing a clue, a useless one because warehouses existed all over the place but still better than nothing. She stored that tidbit for later when she escaped, which would happen in the next minute because she wasn’t about to let Amir be used in a plot to expose his kind. Such a thing would be a death sentence to him and anyone close to him.
Sasha pried open a single eye to see Omar gone from her immediate area; however, she remained far from the truck’s opening. Could she make it across the space in time to spare Amir from Monty?
Only one way to find out.
As Sasha sprangto her feet, she snapped the plastic ties holding her hands, viscerally aware of a ruckus breaking out. She’d not been the only one faking slumber. Amir had also been biding his time and waited until Omar dragged him to the edge of the truck before making his move. Despite his arms bound behind his back, Amir suddenly rolled himself into Monty, the weight of his body knocking the vampire to the ground and out of sight.
“Oh shit, oh shit,” Omar moaned, that useless twat. He totally deserved the cuff she delivered as she darted past and snarled, “If you can’t be useful, then sit the fuck down and shut up.”
The kid zipped his lips and dropped to the floor as she launched herself out of the truck, landing with a slight bend to her knees. She quickly took in the situation.
Two unconscious Lycans off to the side and a very pissed Monty stalking for Amir, fangs out and ready to tear. Amir’s arms strained as he tried to snap the plastic ties holding him, and his legs were partially raised to block Monty from pouncing.
Sasha spun into motion, her foot rising and arcing in a roundhouse kick that knocked Monty back just as Amir grunted and snapped the tethers around his wrists.
“Let’s see how tough you are in a fair fight,” Amir muttered before launching himself. He slammed into Monty, who held a bottle in hand. The impact knocked the vial free, and Sasha watched as it spun in the air, a few drops hitting one of the unconscious Lycans in the cheek, the other on the forehead. Not the mouth, thank fuck, as Sasha had a feeling this was the potion Monty used to turn the Lycans rabid.
She stalked for the tussling pair, noticing Amir had his hands around Monty’s throat, throttling and trying to crush, but Monty put up a fight and kept knocking him away. Clearly, Amir had forgotten her promise in training: let the vamps handle the vamps. Of course, he didn’t realize she was awake and about to help, not unless he’d sensed her through their partial bond.