“With plastic. That won’t stop them from shifting,” Omar pointed out.
“Then you’d better hope they don’t figure out you played a part in their captivity. Now, enough of your arguing. I need a third,” snapped Monty.
“There is no third because I told you everyone is on their second dose except for the whore, who’s had three.”
“In that case, who’s been longest since their second dose?”
Omar hesitated, and Sasha would have wagered she knew why.
“I’m waiting,” an impatience Monty prodded.
“My brother was the first to get two,” a reluctant Omar admitted.
“Drag him over here,” Monty ordered.
“Because I told you to.”
“Can’t it be someone else? Amir’s super heavy.”
“The master save me from weaklings,” Monty grumbled under his breath. On that, Sasha agreed. How Omar could be such a complete opposite from his brother baffled.
“I’m not weak!” Omar exclaimed.
“You are a spineless and greedy coward. Or have you forgotten how easily you outed the folks of your town for a measly sum and readily agreed to cover up the killing of your own kind?” Monty retorted.
Sasha almost reacted at the exposed level of treachery. Poor Amir would be devastated.
“Only because you lied. You said your boss wanted to study the dormants. Ain’t nothing was ever said about killing everyone in Moon Dew,” Omar whined as if he were the victim and not those people.
“The dormants are being studied. We only eliminated the humans.”
“If I’d have known?—”
“You’d have what?” interrupted Monty. “We both know you’re too yellow-bellied to do anything. Oh, and stupid. You didn’t even hesitate to act when I asked you to divert the security cams at Thaddeus’s compound.”
“That was different. I did that because you were taking care of the traitors who were helping a vampire,” Omar muttered.
He obviously didn’t see the irony.
Monty did. “That’s priceless, coming from you. Or have you forgotten who you’re aiding?”
“Only because you promised me a job that paid super good. I’m beginning to wonder if you lied about that, too.”
Only beginning? Sasha almost laughed at his idiotic naivety.
“There is a job, so long as you obey. Now, bring your brother.”
“What do you need him for anyhow?” Omar grunted as if lifting something heavy, most likely Amir, as he fit that bill.
“The master is ready for the world to find out about werewolves. But of course, simply announcing it would lead to mockery. Better to set some loose in public places where no one can refute what they see with their own eyes.”
Thud. “Wait, you’re going to use my brother to out Lycans?”
“Is that what you did with the last three you took from the truck?”