An hour before, a massacre occurred inside a twenty-four-hour diner. According to witnesses, and corroborated by those filming with cameras, two men and a woman walked in, began tearing off their clothes, and shifted into wolves. Wolves that proceeded to tear into everyone there. Luckily, one of the patrons was licensed for conceal and carry and shot the wolves—in the head, double-tap kill shots—even as one was chewing on his leg.

The very public attack led to social media going wild, even the news agencies, all posting with variations on the same title that amounted to one thing.

Werewolves exist and they’re coming after humans.


A captive Sasha woke,for the third time since being ambushed, but this time, rather than go ballistic and have her ass tranqued again, she played possum, taking a moment to listen and decipher what the fuck had happened.

First off, she appeared to be in a moving vehicle, not in a seat, though, but rather prone on a hard surface. Her ear, pressed to the floor, could hear the rumble of a truck engine and the humming of tires as they rolled on asphalt. So, being transported. Where and by whom? That remained to be determined.

Her hands were bound behind her back, the hard plastic ribbon tight against her flesh. Not a problem for her, as she could easily snap it if needed. She didn’t feel any injury other than the discomfort of having been tossed carelessly to a floor. She felt no indication that she’d been abused. But that wouldn’t matter when it came time for her to take her vengeance. How dare they ambush her with drugs. Nothing worse than not being given a chance in a fair fight.

Among the smells assailing her—Lycans, and many of them—she caught a hint of Amir. Relief filled her knowing he was nearby. Last she recalled, he’d been darted, just like her. Shedidn’t smell any blood, also a good sign, but she regretted not having gotten a nip of his. Once fully mated, they’d have a two-way connection—or so Thaddeus had explained about his mating—that would provide Sasha the ability to sense his condition. Once they escaped—when, not if—she’d have to rectify their bond so it went two ways.

With him, and the others.

It would be a big step for Sasha, who’d, until recently, given up hope on finding a partner who could handle her strength and needs, and now she had three. Two of whom probably panicked at her disappearance. At least they’d not been captured. It burned she’d been caught literally with her pants down. Tits out as well. At least someone had since dressed her in a shirt and shorts, the scent of laundry detergent pungent.

Since she heard no movement, just some soft snores and shallow breathing, she dared to crack open a single eye, the one closest to the floor, hidden by the bridge of her nose. She found herself staring at a shoe. A running shoe, to be exact, of a person crouched right beside her with a familiar scent.

Omar. That fucking traitor. She would kill him for this. Would Amir be mad if he found out she did? Most likely. Hopefully, he’d remain drugged long enough for her to get rid of his brother’s body and play innocent.

Cold? Yes. Necessary? Also, yes. Amir was blinded by his loyalty and look where it got him.

Omar shifted position and grunted, indicating they weren’t asleep.

“Can’t believe Monty’s making me ride in the back,” Omar grumbled, confirming who kidnapped them. The rat bastard must have conscripted some Lycans to ambush them at the motel. But why abduct and not kill? A mistake on Monty’s part, because so long as she lived, she’d fight.

The truck slowed to a halt, and she closed her eyes as Omar stood. He started complaining the moment the doors at the rear creaked opened. “Are we there yet?”

“No, but this is our last stop before we arrive at our destination,” Monty stated.

“Can I at least ride up front? It’s creepy riding back here with all these bodies.”

“Stop your whining,” the sharp reply by Monty. “It’s not like they’re dead. Not to mention, you have a job.”

“Yeah, yeah. If they move, jab them with the needle to put them back to sleep.” Omar huffed. “Still not seeing why you needed to snatch that entire pack. I thought you said we were going to meet your boss.”

“We are, and they were taken on his orders. But before we deliver them, we have one more task to accomplish.”

“Why us? Why can’t one of the other two loaded trucks do it? I’m tired of driving around.”

“Because they have another task. Point out three that haven’t been drugged recently,” demanded Monty.

“Again? What happened to the last trio?” Omar asked.

“None of your business. Now answer the question.”

A sulky Omar replied, “That chick in the corner hasn’t had a second dose yet, nor the dude beside her. Everyone else has been jabbed twice, and I’m running out of needles.”

“Keep the rest for Sasha since she’s the most resistant. You don’t want her waking up. I doubt she’ll be happy with you.”


“If I save them all for her, then what am I supposed to do if the others stir?”

“Nothing. Even if the dogs wake, their hands are bound.”