“If you’re thinking of climbing the fence, then you should know there’s cameras all over, plus patrols. Xander takes the pack’s security very seriously, which is what made it seemreasonable that the missing people left on their own, though odd we never saw footage backing the claims.”

“I do not think we can afford to wait until morning, especially since once the sun rises, Anabel and I can’t assist,” Pierrot pointed out.

Cyrus pursed his lips. “Given Monty’s murderous nature, waiting isn’t an option. Did you ask the clerk if he reported our arrival?” a question directed to Anabel.

“He’d not yet had a chance. He was emerging from the washroom when I walked in, so at least we’d have the element of surprise,” she replied.

“Surprise ain’t worth shit if the guards start shooting at us,” Diego pointed out.

“They’re not the only ones armed.” Pierrot patted the sidearm tucked inside his jacket. They all carried weapons.

“How many would we be facing if it comes to an all-Pack fight?” Anabel inquired.

“About forty, assuming most of the pack are home, but that number includes kids.” Cyrus rubbed his chin. “I’d hate to see the innocent hurt.”

“These security cameras you mentioned, are they linked to a network?” Pierrot asked.

“I’m not sure.” Cyrus’ brow creased as he tried to recall what he’d seen and knew. “The guard booth by the main entrance holds a few monitors for them to watch live footage, but I have no idea if it’s a closed system.”

“I think our first order of business is finding out. If we can loop their cameras, we’ll have no issue entering. To the car.” Pierrot swept out, and Cyrus quickly followed.

“You think you can hack their system?” Cyrus asked when Pierrot indicated he should drive.

“It’s worth a try. My laptop should be capable of doing it so long as the cameras are on an accessible network. ’Course, thatsaid, depending on the complexity of the firewall, it could be hours before I can do anything of use.”

Hours? That wouldn’t do because Cyrus knew Sasha was in trouble. It hit him suddenly, a tickling of his emotions that conveyed anger and a more disturbing hint of fear. Then, an even more worrisome absence of anything, as both feelings disappeared just as abruptly.

He glanced at Diego to see his friend clenching his fists. They exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. If Pierrot couldn’t disable the security, then one way or another, they were going in.


The rideto the compound didn’t take long, but Diego found himself anxious. He’d gotten a brief insight into Sasha’s emotions, a hint of confusion and anger, just to have it suddenly smothered. Most likely they’d drugged her again, but at least he could be sure she wasn’t dead. However, who knew what would happen to her if they didn’t find her in time?

They were silent on the drive, with Cyrus behind the wheel since he knew how to get there. Anabel and Pierrot sat in the back, the latter on his laptop, fingers flying as he prepared to hack. Diego occupied the front and leaned forward as they turned onto the road leading to the gated community for the Woolly Pillars Pack and saw their first glimpse of the fencing surrounding it. Wrought iron, eight feet high, with pointed tines topping it. Not impossible to climb, but enough to deter most trespassers.

“Park here for a second,” Pierrot asked. “I’m picking up a signal.”

The halting of the SUV to allow Pierrot to attempt to infiltrate the compound’s network didn’t help Diego’s agitation. He wanted to be moving. Acting. Doing fucking something.

A few minutes of tense silence led to Pierrot grumbling, “There’s a decent firewall in place. I won’t be getting in quickly, so we need to decide what we want to do.”

Cyrus glanced at Diego. “As pack members, we could see who’s manning the guard post and maybe get a hint of what’s going on. If it’s Harry or Lloyd, I can probably convince them to wake up Xander so we can talk.”

“While you do that, I’ll keep trying to get past their firewall and Anabel will scout the perimeter in case she spots an area that would allow unnoticed entry.” Pierrot glanced at the other vampire. “Try to not be seen.”

“Obviously,” she drawled with a roll of her eyes before slipping from the back seat.

“You might want to hide in the cargo area,” Cyrus suggested. “If the guards spot you, no way will we be able to sweet-talk our way in.”

“It’s probably best if I’m not in the vehicle at all. I can work from here just as easily.” Pierrot and his laptop exited the SUV, leaving Cyrus and Diego to continue the half-mile drive to the community entrance.

Like most exclusive neighborhoods, there was a sign sayingWelcome to Woolly Pillars. And then in smaller underneath,Residents and Authorized Guests Only. The guard post that controlled the heavy metal bar that blocked the road had another message,Resident and Guest Check-In.

Cyrus stopped the SUV alongside the illuminated window in the small structure and waited. No one appeared to ask them their business.

“Wonder if they’re sleeping,” Diego stated, exiting the vehicle and rounding it to peek inside the window. The monitors were dark, and the chairs empty.

A whirring sound had him turning to see Cyrus rolling down the window to ask, “What’s wrong?”