As the drug in them took effect, Amir sank into darkness.
Cyrus and Diego,along with Pierrot and Anabel, set off as soon as one of the SUVs was ready. It initially seemed like an impossible task; the late hour meant a lack of garages open for service. However, once Thaddeus arrived at the compound and received a briefing of all that happened—which led to a scary moment where it seemed the vampire might snap—the man, through some magic that involved a commanding tone and money offered, managed to convince a mechanic that it would be worth their while to fix the tires.
Thaddeus also got in touch with Nathan to ask him about Xander’s pack, a phone call he allowed Cyrus and Diego to listen in on.
“Sorry to call so late, however we have a situation,” Thaddeus stated soon as Nathan answered with a gruff, “Now what?”
Thaddeus provided Nathan with a recap of what they knew, finishing with, “When was the last time you spoke to the alpha of the Woolly Pillars Pack?”
“A few weeks ago. At the time, Xander and his people were fine. Claimed they’d not been hit by the disappearances other packs experienced and blew off my warning to keep an eye out for trouble,” Nathan replied.
“You believed him?”
“Why would he lie?” Nathan retorted.
“He might not realize he did if his free will was compromised.”
The remark led to Nathan snorting with disdain. “Vampire mind tricks might work on the weaker Lycans but not an alpha.”
Judging by the crease of annoyance on Thaddeus’ brow, he didn’t agree. “I would think you would be more concerned about the fact he’s been in communication with the traitor in my flock.”
“Maybe instead of worrying about Lycan business, you should be looking inward. Seems to me you’re the one with the problem.”
“Which I am trying to resolve, despite your lack of cooperation,” Thaddeus’ tight reply.
“I think I’ve already done enough for you,” Nathan’s harsh response. “I gave you permission to form a pack with the strays, even sent more than a few your way, and this despite the fact my people would string me up if they knew about our tenuous alliance.”
“Keeping the packs in the dark about the existence of vampires and the threat we face is doing them a grave disservice. What happened to informing them so they could better protect themselves?”
“The alphas are aware.”
“And did they take the news seriously?”
“No. A few asked if I’d been treated for ticks recently.”
“And was this Xander one of those who scoffed?” Thaddeus pinched the bridge of his nose.
“As a matter of fact, he’s one of the few who didn’t.”
“You don’t find it odd that this Xander didn’t mention knowing Monty when you told him about vampires?”
“I’m sure he had his reasons. And keep in mind, until now, you and your flock were supposed to be our allies. Xander would have had no reason to suspect Monty was up to no good.”
“You need to warn him that Monty is a traitor and is possibly en route to his compound.” At the time, they’d not yet confirmed that destination.
“I doubt one vampire can manage to do much damage to a pack Xander’s size, but I’ll give him a holler,” Nathan offered without enthusiasm.
“As mentioned, Monty might have a young male Lycan with him by the name of Omar. Omar’s brother is very keen on securing his safe return.”
“From what you said, the kid left of his own free will. We had an agreement about not forcing anyone to be a part of your pack.”
“An agreement that still stands. I wasn’t asking to have the boy returned but more wanting to ensure his wellbeing to reassure his brother.”
“I’ll mention the kid to Xander, but I doubt he can help. Last time we spoke, Xander agreed to ban outsiders from the compound. Even if this Monty is on his way there, neither he nor the young pup will end up inside.”
Cyrus could see the frustration on Thaddeus’ face as Nathan blew off every warning.