Her free hand cupped a breast and pinched the nipple, making it pucker. He swallowed hard. Did he imagine latching on and sucking?

“Do you want to touch me, Amir?” she purred, undulating her body.

“Yes.” A strangled reply.

“I do too. Can you see how wet I am?”

“I can see. Smell. Want…” A husky reply.

“And yet you stand there while I play with myself.” She took a honey-slick finger and brought it to her lips for a suck.

He groaned.

“Come to me, Amir,” she whispered. “Taste me. Touch me. Fuck me. Bite me.”

He stiffly moved to the edge of the bed. “Why must you torture me?”

“I’m just giving you what you’ve been wanting.”

“I shouldn’t be enjoying myself while my brother is in trouble.” His murmured reply.

“Of his own making.” She didn’t sugarcoat Omar’s actions.

“Maybe, but I still have to help him.”

She understood and didn’t. On the one hand, there truly was nothing they could do for the moment. On the other, it wasn’t her family in danger. Never mind the fact Omar likely willingly participated. Amir still felt a strong sense of responsibility. She only hoped that when karma caught up to Omar, he didn’t drag his brother down with him.

“You’re an honorable man,” she replied. “Used to being the protector. The one making all the decisions. It’s how you’ve kept you and your siblings safe all these years.”

“It hasn’t been easy,” his soft admission. “A part of me wanted to belong to a pack. To let someone else be in charge, but Lorelei was just a kid when they kicked her out. I couldn’t leave her to struggle on her own. And then Omar…” He paused before adding, “The story I’ve told people about him leaving because our parents died and he didn’t want to be alone isn’t true. He was banished.”


“Because he’s a fuckup,” his bitter laugh. “The idiot seduced the alpha’s son, although seduce is being kind. He got him drunk.”

Sasha stopped playing with herself and sat up. “Are you saying he raped the alpha’s son?”

“More or less, not that Omar ever saw it that way.” Amir’s head ducked. “When Benedict sobered up, he told his dad whathappened. Omar got the shit beaten out of him before they tossed him out.”

“And he ran to you.”

“Yeah. Convinced me this wouldn’t have happened if I’d not abandoned him for Lorelei.” Amir offered her a tortured expression. “But she needed me more than him. He had a home. A place. A pack for family, even once my parents died, whereas she only had me.”

Sasha knelt on the bed and put a hand on his chest. “Sounds like you’ve been under a lot of stress, but you’re not alone anymore. You belong to a pack now and have an alpha who might not be Lycan but will protect you—and your sister.”

“As if Thaddeus will give a shit about a dormant.”

Sasha laughed. “You’d be surprised. If she’s important to you, then Thaddeus will extend his protection to her even more so now that we know dormants were aptly named. While she might not transform, the wolf is still inside her. Roderick’s experiments proved that.”

Amir’s lips flattened. “I doubt Lorelei would want to live at the compound.”

“Understandable, but she could still be considered part of our Blood Pack, even if she doesn’t live inside our main compound. How would she feel about a condo and a job that pays better than what she’s probably making now?”

His gaze met hers. “What would she have to do?”

“A man like Thaddeus has interests around the world, business and personal. Given our difficulty with sunlight, he requires people he can trust to manage our affairs.”

“Lorelei would be good at that. She’s got a degree in finance, but I doubt Thaddeus will want me or my sister near him if Omar did betray.”