“Doubtful. Even Thad, as powerful as he is, wouldn’t be able to take on that many wolves.”

“Could be a false flag. Just because he’s been there before doesn’t mean that’s his current destination,” Amir pointed out.

“Even if he’s not, it’s the only clue we have. Monty must have had a reason for being in contact with that particular pack.”

“I have a hard time believing an alpha would be in cahoots with a vampire. Especially one murdering Lycans.”

“This Xander is most likely not aware.”

“Or he doesn’t care. After all, the fucker killed rogues and there are no laws protecting us.” A grumbled complaint.

“Technically not rogues, since some belonged to Thaddeus’ Blood Pack,” she reminded. “And I guarantee Nathan wouldn’t have condoned the way they were killed.”

“You do realize they won’t let in non-pack members,” Amir pointed out.

“I’m aware, which is why you’re to find us a motel near the compound and then send a text to Diego and Cyrus to meet us there.”

“Will do, but keep in mind, Xander might not let them in, given Nathan’s orders,” Amir reminded.

“Maybe not, but they’re our best chance. Or did you want to give up on your brother?”

Apparently not, because Amir was quiet for the next little bit as he searched for a motel and then sent a flurry of texts to his friends. When he finally put the phone aside, she poked.


“Soon as the boys get some tires on a car, they’ll be on the road. But at best, they’ll be a minimum two hours behind us, meaning we won’t see them until at least midnight, maybe later. The Woolly Pillars compound will be locked down tight at that hour, meaning we might be pooched until morning.”

“And on your own, since I’ll be hiding where the sun don’t shine.” Not ideal. She hated being away from her secured room.

“Morning might be too late for Omar.”

To that, she had no comforting reply. If Monty planned to kill Amir’s brother, chances were, it would happen either while en route or soon after their arrival.

Despite the plan to wait for Cyrus or Diego, she drove fast. Could be they might arrive in time to make a difference if Monty was planning to attack the compound. They arrived in the vicinity just before eleven, having had to stop not only for gas but also to put the roof up because the heavy moisture in the air hinted of rain.

The Woolly Pillars enclave didn’t appear to have anything going on. The gated community seemed quiet when they drove by the wrought-iron fence that surrounded it. Smart of the packs to gobble up the real estate when it became available. It allowed them to keep humans out.

Amir stared intently at the trees on the other side of the fence. “How can we find out if they’re inside?”

“We can’t, unless you’re planning to scale a fence, which I wouldn’t recommend. They’ve got security cameras watching the perimeter.” Soon as she spotted them, she steered away.

“Where are you going?”

“To the motel. If we start circling around, someone will likely notice. You won’t do your brother any good if they shoot you for skulking.”

“I’m going to try texting Omar again,” he muttered. He’d tried a few times previously but received message-failed notifications.


“Omar just replied,” he exclaimed. “Says he’s fine and to stop acting like I care.”

“Sounds like your brother,” she muttered.

“Should I ask him about Monty?”

“Ask what, exactly?”

“I don’t know.” Amir slumped before stiffening. His fingers tapped.