Sasha’s lips pursed. “A vamp who may very well be the one who killed the Lycans we found in the woods.”
“Oh fuck.” Amir began to sprint, and Sasha raced to follow, yelling, “Anabel, cover the front. Amir and I will go in through the side door.”
“On it.” Anabel loped to the left to plant herself in front of the garage door while Sasha sprinted for the other smaller entrance.
Amir yanked open the door just as an engine roared to life. They entered to hear the whir of the mechanism for the roll-up door. The metal panels began moving upwards on the track.
“Omar!” Amir yelled his brother’s name as he bolted for the passenger side of the sedan.
A grim-faced Monty gunned the car and shot toward the garage door despite the fact it wasn’t fully raised. Thescreeof metal hurt the ears as the top panel scraped, squeezing through the gap.
She and Amir ran after the car, hearing Anabel’s shouts followed by the rev of an engine and a thump. Sasha raced out of the garage to see Anabel had thrown herself on the hood of the car and was doing her best to hold on as it sped for the compound gate. It showed no sign of slowing down.
“Get off before it crashes,” Sasha shouted.
Anabel rolled from the hood and hit the ground.
Expecting the car to crash, Sasha slowed her sprint to a jog. She had the fucker now.
The car kept rolling, and the gate began to slide open!
“Pierrot, what the fuck?” she hollered.
“It’s not me! The fucker must have programmed an override code,” Pierrot yelled back. “Fuck.”
Fuck indeed, because the car sped out of the compound with not only the traitor but Omar as well.
An abrupt pivot showed a jaw-dropped Amir watching the taillights of the disappearing car. “Don’t just stand there,” she snapped. “We’re going after them.”
Sasha raced back to the garage and headed for the board holding the keys. She grabbed the first set she saw and spun, clicking the fob to see which one blinked.
An SUV chirped, but she noticed Amir not getting into it. He stood staring at the ground, hands on his hips.
Wait, not looking at the ground but the tires—the flat tires.
Sasha’s gaze jumped between all the vehicles, searching in vain because it turned out not a single tire had been spared. Monty had planned his escape well, but even worse, he’d not left alone.
Amir’s stricken face said it all, but Sasha still tried to reassure. “Don’t give up.”
“It’s my fault, though,” he grumbled. “I spent years trying to protect him, and when I finally decide it’s time to cut the strings and let him go, I hand him off to a murderer. I’ve basically killed my brother.”
“No, you didn’t.” She spoke harshly. “Don’t you dare fall apart. We will retrieve your brother.”
“How?” He waved to the ruined vehicles.
“Cross your fingers and toes that Monty forgot I keep my baby parked elsewhere.” Sasha’s Mustang convertible wasn’t parked with the compound’s fleet. She and Thaddeus’ Porsche shared a smaller garage on the far side of the house.
To her relief, she found her baby intact, and Amir, despite his despondency, uttered a sound of appreciation. “Damn, that’s your ride?”
Sasha smiled as she patted the cherry-red hood. “My pride and joy, and faster than what Monty is driving.”
“It’s not big enough for three,” Anabel pointed out, having joined them.
Amir took the choice of who to bring out of Sasha’s hands by vaulting into the passenger seat.
“It’s my brother,” Amir stated, stubbornly crossing his arms.
“Fair enough. Let’s go. Pierrot, if you’re listening, lock down the compound. No one goes in or out until Thaddeus or I return. Anabel, watch that gate until it closes and then go give Pierrot a hand because we need to make sure Monty wasn’t working with anyone else.”