Unlike Thaddeus’ core group—Sasha, Pierrot, Jorge, Anabel, and Tim—Monty owed Thaddeus no life or loyalty but had been visiting the compound often of late given the chaos at court since the queen’s death. While allowed to stay on the premises and come and go as he pleased, Monty wasn’t privy to any innerdetails, nor did he have any tasks or responsibilities, such as training the Lycan or taking up patrols.

“Wasn’t he quite vocal about his displeasure when Thaddeus began bringing home wolves?” Sasha asked. In truth, none of them had been enthusiastic about it at first, but their loyalty to Thaddeus proved stronger than their dislike of dogs in the house.

“He’d since appeared to be on board.” Pierrot shook his head.

Monty being in the video with Dylan before the boy’s disappearance was damning, but not concrete proof. Sasha would give him a chance to defend himself before handing him over to Thad.

“Where is he?” Sasha asked.

“Good question. Hold on a second.” Pierrot’s fingers flew as he pulled up Monty’s profile and then did something that had his computer searching recent video footage around the compound for a location. “Got him. He’s in the garage.” Pierrot frowned. “Looks like he’s throwing some luggage in a trunk.”

And there was the proof.

“He must know we’re on to him,” Sasha huffed. “Anabel, you with me?”

“Hell yeah I am. The nerve of that fucker trying to frame me.” Anabel slapped her fist into her open palm.

“Take some earpieces,” Pierrot advised, reaching into his desk and pulling out a pair. “I’ll keep you apprised if he leaves the garage before you arrive.”

The device looped over her ear and snuggled into the canal.

Pierrot said, “Testing,” and Sasha cringed as it repeated loudly via the electronic piece.

“Lowering the volume,” Pierrot stated. “Now, get going. He just closed the trunk. I’m going to disable the gate so he can’t drive out.”

Anabel and Sasha set off quickly, exiting the vampire area of the compound and, to no surprise, finding one of Sasha’s wolves waiting, ready to shadow her movements.

“Are you armed?” Sasha snapped at Amir as he matched her fast stride.

“No, why?”

“We found the traitor. He’s preparing to leave.”

“Just one guy?”

“So far, yeah.”

Amir chuckled. “Against two pissed-off broads? Yeah, I doubt you’ll even need me, but don’t worry, my fists are yours if you run into trouble.”

She did like that Amir didn’t try and pull some macho bullshit about handling it himself. Too often, males acted as if having a cock made them the only choice when it came to apprehending and punishing rule-breakers. Nice to know Amir recognized she could kick ass by herself.

As they exited the house and made for the garage, her earpiece crackled. “Monty has been joined by a Lycan carrying a knapsack.”

“Do you know who it is?”

“Yeah, the young one we picked up from that massacred town.”

“Omar?” she blurted without thinking.

Amir heard and exclaimed, “What about my brother? Is he in trouble?”

“He’s in the garage with our suspected traitor.”

“Probably trying to hitch a ride. He told me he planned to leave.”

Sasha kept walking even as she glanced at Amir. “When did he talk to you about going?”

“This morning. Wanted me to go with him, but I told him I wasn’t interested. We said our goodbyes earlier since he plannedto skip out right after sunset. Claimed one of the vamps driving to town offered him a ride.”