“If you’re a traitor, then your word means nothing.”

A panicked Anabel threw herself to the floor on her knees. “I know how this looks, but I would never betray our leader, Thaddeus. I owe him my life. I believe in what he’s trying to accomplish.”

Diego leaned down and murmured, “I don’t think she’s lying.”

“We have to be sure.” Sasha’s gaze narrowed. “Is there anything you can think of that might exonerate you?”

“I’ve not left the compound in two weeks, as I’ve been busy with my, and Jorge’s, recruits. Check the security camera footage.”

“I will. While I try and verify your claim, will you agree to place yourself in solitary?”

“Of course.” Anabel stood and held herself ramrod straight.

They accompanied Anabel to the panic room without issue.

“You’ll have to stay here until I confirm what you’ve told me,” Sasha murmured, standing by the open door.

Anabel entered the room and took a seat, the picture of calm. “Do what you must. I am innocent.”

The door shut and locked behind her, and Sasha grumbled. “If she’s lying, she’s a damned good actress. Not to mention, of all the flock, she’s the one I would have least suspected.”

“She also doesn’t seem sloppy or dumb. I mean, getting rid of two Lycans she was last seen with? Smells like a frame job to me.”

“Let’s go find Pierrot.”

“Are you sure we can trust him?” Diego questioned. “’Cause if Anabel didn’t kill those wolves, then someone else in the compound likely did, and Pierrot would be the guy who could cover it up, seeing as how he’s in charge of all the security shit.”

“He’s in charge because there is no question of Pierrot’s loyalty. He’s been with Thaddeus nearly as long as I have. He would rather step into the sun than do anything that would upset our master.”

“Hope you’re right,” Diego muttered.

They found Pierrot sitting in front of computer screens, a pair of Lycans by his side. Jules and Francois. They’d arrived only a few days after Diego and the boys. A good pair. They’d been ousted from their pack for the simple fact of being gay. Given the ratio of females to males, you’d think having a few that wouldn’t vie for a woman as a mate would be a good thing.However, even though it wasn’t against any Pack Laws, some short-sighted alphas still saw it as an aberration and culled those members.

“Hey, Sasha. I’m still digging for that info you asked for. Actually, the boys here are. We’ve got possible situations in Italy, England, and Texas.”

“Does Thaddeus know?”

“Yeah. He’s got us still digging, but he also reached out to some contacts in those areas to give them warning.”

Probably a better idea than sending Sasha into another vamp’s territory. Not to mention, she didn’t want to stray far from Thaddeus and leave him with one less loyal ally while they had a mysterious pile of bodies in the backyard.

“I’m not here about ghouls, but something else.” Her grave tone had Pierrot pinching his lips.

“Boys, why don’t you go wrangle yourselves a meal while I chat with Sasha?”

“Yes, sir.” The young men scurried from the room, and Pierrot sighed.

“I can’t believe they call me sir. It makes me feel so old,” complained the man who didn’t look more than twenty-five, though he’d spent many more years walking the earth.

“You are old,” Sasha pointed out.

“True, but it’s still hurtful,” Pierrot complained.

“How’s your training going with them?”

“Well. They already had decent computer skills, so training them to be my assistants hasn’t been all that hard. Soon, we’ll be able to have them switching on and off during the day, which means better and quicker assessments of things happening that might affect us.”

“You mean like traitors killing our recruits?”