“There is only one punishment for betrayal,” her grim reply.
When a knock came at the door, Diego slid off the desk and stood behind Sasha in a vigilant stance for a woman who didn’t need protection.
“Come in,” Sasha called out.
Anabel entered with a smile. “You rang?”
“Please have a seat.” Sasha’s formal reply brought a crease to Anabel’s forehead.
“Is something wrong?”
“There’s been an incident, and I have to ask you some questions.”
“Fire away.” Anabel appeared relaxed as she sat in the chair across from the desk.
“Where is the Lycan assigned to you named Dylan?”
“Gone.” Anabel didn’t hesitate or bullshit. “And it’s strange because I thought things were going rather well with him. He was eager to train and immediately pledged his loyalty to our new pack and Thaddeus.”
“You saw him go?”
Anabel shook her head. “No. He stopped showing up for our training a few days ago and, when I went by his room to see if he was ailing, found it empty of his things. I assume he left during daylight hours.”
“Did you check the security footage?”
The query brought a frown to Anabel’s face. “No. I was told by Thaddeus to not force the Lycans to stay, as he only wanted those loyal to our cause to remain. Given he placed a geas on Dylan preventing him from speaking of what he saw here, I thought nothing more of it. He’s not the first recruit to depart without notice.”
“How many have left?” Sasha inquired.
“A few. Although none who were as seemingly loyal as Dylan.”
“Do you remember an applicant named Brian from last week?”
“Yes. Burly, angry fellow. I tried having a conversation with him, encouraging him to give us a chance. However, he was rather adamant about not remaining, claiming he wouldn’t work with monsters.” Anabel’s lips twisted. “Apparently, some would rather take their chances with the Lycan Council’s rogue hunters than with our Blood Pack.” Anabel used the new name for theirmixed group and showed no sign of being uneasy about being allied with Lycans.
“What did you do with Brian when he wouldn’t cooperate?”
“Left him in the intake room for Thaddeus to handle. I didn’t set him free, if that’s what you’re asking. I know better than to set someone loose who knows so much about us. Why all the questions, though?”
“When was your last patrol in the forest?” Sasha asked instead of answering.
“Two weeks ago.”
“Two?” Sasha’s turn to frown. “Aren’t you supposed to be on rotation?”
“I was, but Jorge offered to take my turn if I’d train his Lycans. He’s been less than keen about our new allies.”
“You haven’t been in the forest at all of late?”
She shook her head. “No, why?”
“We found some bodies, drained of blood, and at least two were last seen in the compound.”
The claim widened Anabel’s eyes. “You found Dylan and Brian.” She hastened to add, “I didn’t kill them.”
“Can you provide proof?”
Panic flared Anabel’s nostrils. “I swear, I would never. It is forbidden to drain the living.”