Cyrus dropped a kiss on her lips then left while she dressed and checked her email. Pierrot sent a message to inform her he was following some leads about other possible ghoul nests.
Of concern, he’d discovered a massacre in another small town that seemed to have resulted in some residents missing. Authorities were baffled as to the reason behind the killings and had no leads to offer on the perpetrators of the horrific crime. Given the similarity with what they’d found in Moon Dew, Thaddeus ordered Pierrot to forward the list of names of those missing to Nathan to see if he could confirm or not whether theywere dormants. Sasha assumed yes, and, if so, it was bad news because it meant this mysterious Master really didn’t give a fuck about their crimes being noticed. Someone who didn’t give a fuck and craved attention would keep on acting unless they were stopped.
Dressed in some leggings and a tight tank top, Sasha headed out to the training yard to find her Lycans sparring with some of the newcomers, mostly fit and good-looking males ranging in age from late teens to forties. Some showed promise, already knowing how to use their bodies to fight effectively. A few appeared to be even better with their fists than her current trio, but she didn’t plan to exchange them, seeing as how the newbies didn’t make her pulse race or blood pound.
Upon spotting Sasha, Amir waved and headed over with Diego and Cyrus in tow. Of Omar, she saw no sign. Perhaps the boy had finally left.
“Hey, Shorty,” Amir called out with a wide grin.
It would seem her boys had found their versions of retaliation for Puppy Chow and Grouchy. She could have punished him for being disrespectful, but it kind of amused. Most people were too scared of her to tease.
“Good evening, flea bags. I trust you’re all recovered from last night’s excursion?”
“Feeling better than ever,” Amir boasted.
“Not as good as Cyrus is.” Diego’s smart-ass addition held a hint of sour.
The jealousy in the tone arched her brow. “No need to get into a pissing match. You will get your turn. As will Amir.”
“When?” Diego huffed, his eagerness gratifying, but he needed to learn he didn’t call the shots.
“When I say it’s time. And you’d better hope you’re as good as you keep implying. I have a pretty high bar.” She slewed aglance at Cyrus for emphasis and almost laughed because the man blushed.
“Anytime you want to go for a ride, Shorty, I will be ready.” Diego winked.
“Me too,” Amir hastened to add.
“How to choose which goes next?” She tapped her lower lip.
“We could arm wrestle.” Amir flexed his thick bicep.
“Like fuck. We both know you can beat me. How about a foot race?” Diego suggested.
Cyrus was the one to say, “Again, not a fair matchup. If you’re going to make it a competition, it should be something you’re both good at.”
“Like what?” Diego asked with pursed lips.
“I have an idea actually.” Sasha crossed her arms and tilted a hip as she drawled, “I’m going to leave the compound and head into the forest surrounding it, looking for signs of possible spies. Whichever one of you manages to track me will be next.”
“A hunt?” Amir exclaimed. “Fuck yeah.”
“There’s a caveat,” she teased. “No shifting.” She wanted to see what they were capable of in their human form. So much of their training had been about being able to prove they didn’t need to depend on their wolf side.
“Fine by me,” Amir confirmed.
Diego nodded. “I’m in, too. How high are we counting before we come looking?”
“This isn’t a game of hide and seek,” Sasha scoffed. “And I didn’t say it would be tonight. I’m already rather satisfied for the moment and have other matters to attend. But pay attention, because my excursion will happen soon. Let’s see who between you is the most observant.”
Sasha tossed the gauntlet but miscalculated just how much both men would want to win. She developed literal shadows. That first night, they didn’t leave her alone for a minute,skulking just out of sight. She half expected to find them in her bedroom when dawn approached but was spared being stared at while she slept.
The visions had calmed down since she’d ingested the ashes, and she managed to slumber without issue. When she woke, just after sunset, rather than seek out her trio, she dressed in dark clothing and exited the house via the unground emergency tunnel that spilled into the woods.
The overcast sky blocked the almost full moon and stars, leaving the forest dark. Not an issue, as her eyes adjusted to the lack of light, giving her general shapes of things around her. When she concentrated a bit harder, she could see traces of heat signatures. Small spot in a tree, most likely a squirrel or bird roosting for the night. A crinkle of leaves on the ground and a blur of color probably a mouse or chipmunk.
She inhaled, enjoying the pine-filled aroma, but frowned at a hint of something rotten. Could be the normal kind of decay that came with the circle of life. After all, animals died every day. However, there was a reason why she and the other vampires took turns scouting the environs. With the number of Lycans currently residing with them, they had to be more careful, lest their new pack see some members poached or, worse, influenced by the mysterious master. It would suck if she or Thaddeus, or any of the other vampires for that matter, got betrayed by a Trojan wolf.
She set off on foot and wondered how long it would take Amir or Diego to notice she’d not emerged from her room and, from there, to realize she’d slipped their surveillance.