“I’ll be honest, while I’ve thought of banging her, it never occurred to me it would become anything more than sex.”
“Mated or not, she’s made it fairly clear she wouldn’t mind being with all of us.”
“As lovers,” Cyrus pointed out. “You shouldn’t assume she wants anything more.”
“Her boss is mated to a pair of Lycans.” Amir’s defensive reply.
“All the power to him. Sasha’s not Thaddeus.”
Amir’s face went stiff. “Maybe you don’t see her as potential mate material, but I do.”
“Is this your way of warning me away?”
To his surprise, his friend immediately softened. “No. If she’s determined to share with a few men, then I’d rather it be with guys I know and trust.”
“I can’t even believe we’re talking about this.” Cyrus shook his head.
“Me neither.” Amir chuckled. “Guess the potential for this to turn into something long-term has me trying to make sure I don’t fuck up.”
“Remember what auntie used to say?”
“Don’t overthink shit.” Amir chuckled. “She always had a blunt message. I’m going to miss her.”
“Me, too, bro. Me too.” With that, Cyrus clapped Amir on the shoulder and took off at a jog. He did a wide circuit around the house and both the front and rear yards. His gaze kept straying, though, fixing on the mansion with a crazy number of bedrooms. One of which held Sasha.
For some reason, her name pulsed inside him along with an urgency to see her.She’s suffering.He couldn’t have explained his certainty, and yet it saw him suddenly veering from his jogging route to the house. He entered and weaved the passages, only to be stumped by a keypad allowing entry to the section of the house where the vampires kept their personal quarters.
The keys had been recently wiped, the scent of a cleanser making it impossible to gauge what buttons were usually pressed. The need to get through that door to find Sasha pulsed.
He had to get inside.
Without thinking, or knowing why, he began punching in numbers, his fingers moving quickly to enter six digits.
Beep. The lock released, and he passed through, his pace quickening as he headed for her room, somehow knowing which door was hers. Once more entering a code he shouldn’t have known.
The room beyond didn’t have any light, but he didn’t require one to cross the space to the bed where a body thrashed and faintly moaned.
Sasha appeared to be in the grips of a nightmare, and the closer he got, the stronger he sensed her need for saving.
But saving from what?
There was no enemy in the room, only whatever plagued her slumbering mind. He grabbed a flailing hand and gasped as he could suddenly see, not through his eyes but someone else’s.
A carnage of bodies and blood and screams of people begging for mercy while receiving none.
As if burned, Cyrus released Sasha and closed his eyes in an attempt to shake off the disturbing vision.
Sasha moaned. “No. What have you done?” The anguish in her tone, unmistakeable.
Bracing himself for another nasty visual, Cyrus reached out again but this time avoided flesh-to-flesh contact, gripping her shoulder to give it a shake as he shouted, “Wake up!”
It worked. Sasha roused abruptly with a snarl, her hand moving lightning quick to squeeze him by the throat, her fangs coming bitingly close.
“I am not food,” he barked before she could chomp.