“As little as possible. They should try and glean what, if anything, Nathan has told the pack leaders as well as find out how many—if any—members have gone missing and whether there’s been any suspicious activity.”

“Pity I can’t whammy this alpha into talking,” she grumbled.

Thaddeus opened his desk drawer and pulled out an ornate box. “That might be a possibility.” He flipped open the lid to reveal the ashes within.

“Roderick’s ashes?” she asked. They only had a small amount left, and Thaddeus had already given her a bit to ingest so she’d be able to track down the rogue wolves. It shocked that he presented them to her once again.

“Morpheus, actually,” he revealed. “But be warned, the essence is potent.”

“Potent enough that I’ll be able to command wolves?”

“Possibly. The weak ones, at least. I meant more that, of all the ashes I’ve ever imbibed Morpheus’ remains appears to cause the most flashbacks, and they are unpleasant.”

Must be bad if they discomfited Thad. “Way to sell it, boss,” she quipped.

“You don’t have to take any. I like you sane.”

“You think I’ll lose my mind?”

“No, but you might experience some memories that will disturb your psyche.”

“I just came from a cave full of slaughtered people and ghouls. I’m sure I can handle it.”

A bold claim that led to her taking a large pinch of ash and placing it on her tongue. Acrid and dry. She quickly swallowed and smiled. “Now to go wash it down with some O-neg.”

She exited quickly, lest Thaddeus notice the tremble in her hands. It hit the moment she ingested the essence. A zingingwent through her entire body, sizzling all her nerves and making all of her senses hyperaware.

As if in a daze, she walked to her quarters, only belatedly recalling she was supposed to have Pierrot do some digging. Given the shivers racking her flesh, she chose to send a text rather than brief him in person. She kept it simple.

Boss says to look for ghoul activity worldwide.

Pierrot quickly replied.That’s an insanely large task.

Good thing you’re good at that kind of thing.

I hate it when you do that.

She smirked as she typed back,I know. Let me know if you find anything.

The phone got tossed onto the dresser, and she stripped as she headed for her bathroom, the tremors making it hard to undo buttons. She ended up tearing the ruined clothes from her body. It wasn’t as if she’d ever wear them again. She left them in a heap on the floor and stepped into the shower, lifting her face to the warm spray.

…the blood splattered, heated drops of it hitting the lips and tasting delicious. The fear in it gave a delightful tang.

I looked on as Roderick conducted his torture on both subjects. The woman bound to the rack sobbed. Her body displayed a medley of slashes. Dozens of cuts meant to cause a great amount of pain without killing the subject.

The woman’s head lolled, and she whimpered weakly.

“Leave her alone,” cried out the male Lycan as he struggled against the chains holding him in place against the wall.

Roderick stepped from the woman and grinned at the man. “Is it your turn?” That same leer turned on me. “Watch and learn, Morpheus. This is how you wake a dormant.”

I watched with interest as Roderick, with his claws outstretched, turned to the female’s mate, a Lycan who’d brazenly chosen to love a dormant.

How fortuitous that we’d found them, the scent of the wolf passing me in the street drawing us to this couple who lived in the suburbs. They were so easy to snatch, the male dropping to his knees the moment I threatened his female’s life.

“Let’s see how much she values her mate,” Roderick growled as he lifted his claws. They slashed down, tearing the man’s chest, and the woman screamed. Ignoring her, Roderick turned the male’s flesh into ribbons. When the Lycan passed out, the female lost it, uttering a never-ending shriek that transitioned into a growl as she spontaneously shifted, breaking free of her tethers.

She hit the floor on four paws and advanced on Roderick, snarling.