“Not going to let them shift back and dress?” Diego asked, kicking at a twitching body before dropping down to stab it.
“Why bother? They won’t be any cleaner, as the blood and guts in their fur will stick to their body. Ever try and dress in jeans while soaked in blood? I have. Not recommended, and we don’t have time to find somewhere to rinse off before the fire crew arrives.”
“Where’s the fire?”
Sasha pulled a Zippo from her pocket. “Here, once I get it going, which will be difficult considering everything in this cave is moist. I should have brought a can of gasoline.”
“You need fuel, I’ll get you some. There’s a variety store by the ticket booth. They carry lighters and other flammable shit we can use.”
“First, we’ll have to handle the security guard and cameras watching the area,” she stated. “Puppies, you stay here and kill anything that moves. Me and Don Suavio will go get some shit that will burn the evidence.”
“Don Suavio?” Diego could be heard querying as they exited the cave.
“Would you have preferred I call you El Slicko?”
The reply caused Amir to snort. It entertained him to no end to see Sasha not falling for Diego’s usual panty-dropping lines and smiles.
A bristling Cyrus prowled the cave, nudging bodies, seeking out any living ones they might have missed. Nothing twitched, and so Amir began trying to count the corpses who’d fallen victim to the monsters. He stopped at the sight of a young child still clutching her stuffed bear.
He barreled out of the cave and dry heaved on the tracks. Cyrus joined him, shifting despite Sasha’s comments. His friend put a hand on his furred shoulder.
“At least we put a stop to them,” his soft murmur.
Amir also changed shape, his skin, as predicted, retaining the gore from the battle. “Did we? What if there are more out there still hunting?”
“If there are, then we’ll come back and keep killing them until there’s none left.” Cyrus’ fierce reply.
“Sounds like you’ve decided to stick around.”
“Where else would I go?” Cyrus asked.
“You and Diego have a pack to go home to.”
A disparaging noise escaped Cyrus. “I wouldn’t call that place home, and it’s barely a pack. Forty people, give or take, and that includes all of five women—of which only one doesn’t have four mates. Not to mention, I can’t see Xander doing shit to stop what’s happening.”
“Kind of like our Lycan Council leaders,” Amir pointed out. “I don’t understand why Nathan and those who know what’s happening aren’t doing more. Why aren’t they warning the Packs and the dormants for that matter?”
“Maybe they are and we just aren’t in the loop. When was the last time you talked to anyone in your old Pack? I know it’s been weeks for me.”
Amir’s lips pursed. “Have you thought about calling Xander?”
“Yeah, but I doubt he’d listen. Here I am, almost thirty years old and he still calls me and Diego the young pups, even though he’s only like ten years older than us.”
“Sasha also calls us puppies,” he reminded.
“In her case, I get the impression she is old enough to get away with it, not to mention she does it to see if she’ll get a rise out of us.” Cyrus grinned. “If you ask me, she needs her own nickname to give her a taste of her own medicine.”
“Any suggestions because I’m pretty sure ‘hot ass’ won’t do the trick.”
“She does have a sweet butt, and perfect tits and lips.” Cyrus stated, “And she’s no dummy either.”
“Blood Breath?” Amir suggested.
“Not her fault she’s on a forced meat diet.” Cyrus rubbed his chin, dislodging a hunk of goo. “Probably the only thing about her that isn’t ideal is her height. And I get the impression she’s sensitive about it. I called her Shorty once during training ,and she flipped me onto my back.”
An apt nickname since she didn’t even come up to their chin. “Shorty! Ha. I like it.”
“I think I hear them coming back. Guess we should get dressed?”