“He’s worried about your safety?” Cyrus snorted. “That’s wild, considering you can kick all our asses.”
It pleased to hear him recognize her strength. “True, however, even I can be overwhelmed, and then there’s the fact I sleep like the dead.” She grimaced. “Thaddeus says I lack self-preservation and I will most likely one day perish while drooling on my pillow since I don’t easily wake.”
“Sounds like you need some bodyguards.”
“Among other things,” she murmured.
He held up a hand and motioned for silence, most likely because the unique stench of ghoul had noticeably increased.
A frown creased Cyrus’ brow, and his nostrils flared. She didn’t need him to hold up four fingers on his hand to know he’d scented four ghouls.
He began to strip, and she arched a brow, whispering, “Already trying to claim the prize?”
“More like trying to make sure I have something to wear when we leave. One or two ghouls I could handle with a knife. Four is gonna take a meaner predator.”
How exciting. Sasha would get to see a Lycan shift up close—as well as get a chance to ogle Cyrus. He possessed a leaner build than Amir but remained thick and muscled in all the right places. Her gaze dipped to the object that interested her most, and she almost licked her lips seeing his cock twitch.
“Now is not the time for that,” he growled.
True. Later, though… She couldn’t wait to wrap her lips around his shaft and then feel it filling her.
Despite the discomfort of shifting—or so she’d heard—Cyrus emitted no cry of pain, nor did his face contort. He held her gazeas his face elongated into a snout, his flesh sprouted fur, and his limbs rearranged themselves into fore and hind legs that ended in paws. What a fascinating process.
The big wolf that stood before her had the same blond hues in its brown fur as the man did on his head.
“Nice doggie,” she murmured.
He chuffed and rolled his eyes before trotting in the direction of the foul smell. Sasha followed, ready to aid, because four ghouls would be a difficult test even for a savage wolf.
A hole in the concrete wall, the jagged edges of it smeared in slime, only allowed entry for one at a time. Cyrus didn’t hesitate to leap in with Sasha grimacing as she followed. So much for preserving her favorite leather pants.
The chamber beyond ended up bigger than expected, a natural cave that the subway builders had stupidly ignored. Eventually, it could collapse, dragging down whatever perched above, be it road or building.
No point in wondering how the ghouls found the space. It existed, and they’d turned it into a nest. Or should she say, a butchery? There were bodies strewn about, which she struggled to see even though her eyes adjusted to the darkness. No need to check for pulses. None of those dragged to the lair lived and many had begun to decay.
Cyrus prowled the room, scouting for ghouls. Had they missed them? Were they out hunting? Hiding still and silent among the bodies?
The overpowering odor of the creatures overwhelmed the senses, and the constant drips of moisture from the ceiling plinking from all over kept her on edge.
Hold on a second. That wasn’t water but—“Above us!”—ghoul drool.
But of more concern?
The fact about a dozen ghouls dropped from the ceiling with hungry gaping maws and blazing red eyes.
Amir and Diegomoved at a quick pace as they followed the trail of the ghoul responsible for the death in the alley. Their steps echoed loudly in the tunnel, but no point in worrying about it. A ghoul would scent them even if they managed to move in ninja-like silence.
While neither said a thing, it became quickly obvious they both wanted the prize for killing the monster.
Thinking of it led to Amir huffing, “Has Sasha spoken to you at all?”
“The fact she’s not bothered by Pack Law.”