The three men headed for the stairs heading below ground, the ghoul’s stench less noticeable given the foot traffic that had trampled down the steps since its passage. Sasha followed, observing them, assessing how they handled the situation as per her boss’s orders. Earlier, Thaddeus had said to her, "Best to find out now if they crack when in peril than when our lives might depend on them.”
Honestly, Sasha didn’t figure these three would be a problem. Omar, who’d chosen to abstain from the mission, concerned her, not because she feared him doing her harm but more because his seeming cowardice and his whiny nature might force Amir to make a choice. In battle, Omar would be a distraction his brother could ill afford. Then there was the fact she suspected Omar would refuse to become a part of the new pack Thaddeus had formed, a pack unlike any other in the world. It still surprised that Thaddeus even wanted to lead a group of wolves. Then again, he was fucking a pair. However, Thaddeus also had his own reason for his decision.“If I can have Lycans who are loyal to me, they will prove to be better daytime guards than a human. They’re faster, stronger, with better built-in instincts.”To which she’d replied,“Just be careful. When dogs turn on their masters, maiming is the best-case scenario.”
It should be noted she didn’t expect treachery from these three Lycan or Thaddeus’ two mates. Not as they currently were, at least. However, she couldn’t forget what Roderick had done. Controlling the minds of Lycans. Commanding them to kill. Right now all believed Roderick was the only one with that capability, but what if Morpheus’ hidden master could do thesame… or create another like Roderick? She still wasn’t entirely clear on how Roderick came into being. Thaddeus wouldn’t speak of it, growling simply,“The queen meddled in things she shouldn’t have.”
A queen who was dead.
Rumors abounded she might still live given the fact her body had disappeared. Had someone taken it? That would be dangerous since the queen had been the most powerful vampire, some even said she was the first—not something she ever admitted or denied. Possible, though, especially given how powerful she’d been in comparison to others. A power that might have been too much to handle. Madness used to swirl in the queen’s gaze and tinged her laughter. Since the queen discomfited, Sasha had avoided her court as much as vampirically possible.
But back to Omar. If he refused to swear loyalty to Thaddeus and decided to leave, would Amir follow? She really hoped not. They could use a man like Amir in the coming fight.
And she was starting to get used to having him around.
“The ghoul went onto the tracks,” Cyrus quietly stated, the men having vaulted the turnstiles to keep following the trail. They disregarded the security guard hitching up his pants by the loops strutting after them ready to give shit. She could chide them for doing something that drew attention, but it took but a simple “You saw nothing. Go back to napping in your cubicle,” from Sasha to send the guard tottering back to his chair and sitcom.
The trio leapt from the platform onto the tracks, with Amir crouching for a closer sniff. “There are two trails. This way for the ghoul we followed, but I’m smelling another.” His head swiveled left and right.
Dilemma. Which way to go?
“We should split up,” Cyrus suggested.
“Split how? There’s three of us,” Diego pointed out.
“I’m as big as two men,” Amir boasted.
“You’re only ten pounds heavier than me,” was Cyrus’ dry reply.
“Ten pounds where it counts.” Amir’s smirk had the other men rolling their eyes, and Sasha hid a smile.
“You two figure it out. I’m going left because I’ve got a feeling,” Diego stated as he began walking down the tunnel.
“I’m going with him,” Amir declared. “Last time he said that we got a free room with room service in Vegas.”
“I remember that, as well as getting tossed out of that hotel because someone got too drunk,” Cyrus added as he headed in the opposite direction.
Given the choice, Sasha stuck with the lone wolf, keeping pace in silence before blurting out, “Why go this way when you know the ghoul from the alley went the other?”
Cyrus slewed a glance her way. “Because this route leads to the older tunnels with plenty of hidey holes.”
The logic behind his decision impressed. “There was a social media post claiming a monster stole a child from the next platform three days ago,” she remarked.
“And you’re just mentioning this now? The boys might not have gone left if they’d known.”
“This is a test, remember? Can’t exactly give you all the answers, now can I?”
A snort burst out of Cyrus. “Well, I see the movies got one thing right about vampires. You’re secretive as fuck.”
“Are you claiming you haven’t kept some things to yourself?”
He went quiet for a second. “Anything I haven’t revealed isn’t important.”
“I hope that’s true. Thaddeus wants me to trust you.”
“I thought he already cleared us.”
“He did. However, given he’s been stirring the waspish nest, so to speak, he has concerns about outsiders asserting their influence, which might compromise my safety and that of the other vampires allied with Thaddeus.”