“I don’t think Nathan is much okay with any of this. I don’t think he’s okay with turning away his own or sending them to live with vampires, but what other choice is there?”
“Why not just have Thaddeus root through their mind to check them out for Roderick taint and then send them back to their Packs if they’re cleared?”
“Because Nathan’s trust only extends so far,” Sasha said bitterly. “Anyway, like I said, he’s been sending those being rejected our way. Which leads me back to the earlier part of our conversation. You are all welcome in the new pack should you find yourself in need of one.”
The thought intrigued Diego. What might make it more appealing? If a certain vampire hottie would respond to his advances…
“Let’s say I did join… You’re sure I wouldn’t still be considered rogue?” Amir sought reassurance.
“Unless Nathan goes back on his word, then no.” Sasha met Amir’s gaze in the rearview.
“It would be nice for me and Omar to not have to hide anymore.” Amir leaned back in the seat. “We’ve been spending a lot of time on the road trying to avoid any council hunters from finding us. They’re really strict on the unattached lone wolf thing.”
“Not as strict as you think,” Sasha muttered.
“As if you’d know,” Cyrus scoffed.
“I have it on good authority. They don’t tend to bother those who integrate with human society and remain out of trouble. The council has enough shit to worry about without putting out hit squads on behaving wolves.”
“And Omar is invited to join too?” asked Amir, always looking out for his little bro.
“If he wants.”
Diego snorted. “I doubt he’ll join. I get the impression Omar’s just waiting until he can wear Amir down into agreeing to leave. How many times has he asked to go join Lorelei?”
“If Omar doesn’t like it, he can go.” Amir sighed. “It’s past time my brother stood on his own two feet.” A complaint Diego had heard often.
“We’re here,” Sasha announced, parking the SUV alongside a sidewalk.
“Are we sticking together or splitting up?” Amir asked as he slid out of the back.
“Up to you. I’m just here to observe and yank your butts out of trouble if needed. Let’s see what you puppies can do.”
“We can do a lot,” Diego drawled. “But let’s make this more interesting.”
“Interesting how?” Sasha asked.
Despite it being bold and inappropriate, Diego found himself saying, “First one to reach its lair gets a kiss.”
“Only a kiss?” Sasha arched a brow. “Very well, but I say we add one more prize. Whoever kills it gets to spend a night with me in bed.”
Diego blinked. Couldn’t hear above the blood pounding suddenly in his veins. A chance to be with Sasha?
Fuck yeah. “You’re on,” he exclaimed.
What he didn’t expect was how eager his friends would be to win, too.
What unexpected fun,turning the hunt into a game where Sasha would win no matter what. The question being, would the men actually compete for the chance to spend the night with her? Of Diego, she had no doubt. The man made no bones about the fact he desired her; however, she also knew if she bedded him first, the other two more restrained males might simply give up.
And that wouldn’t do at all.
Ever since her kiss with Amir, she’d been thinking of him.
Every time she butted words with Cyrus, she wanted to discover if he would soften as a lover.
As for Diego, she already knew she’d have a rollicking good time.