She stood and sauntered close, her robe flapping, the sash loosely tied, meaning it gaped, giving him a view. This time he didn’t avert his gaze as she stood right in front of him.

“How did you get inside my room?”

He smirked. “By opening the door.”

“Which was locked.”

“Wasn’t hard to figure out the code.” He paused before adding, “Your scent was on the buttons. It only took two tries to get the digits in the right order.”

“Smart.” And an indication their security needed tightening. She knelt slowly between his knees and purred, “You know, there is a way to make me trust you.”

“How?” A single rasped word.

“You don’t seem the type who would harm a woman you were intimate with. Fuck me and maybe I’ll trust you to watch my ass.”


She leaned in close to whisper against his mouth. “Think about it. Oh, and just so you know, you can invite your friends. The more, the merrier.”

With that, she kissed him, a soft languorous kiss that he didn’t pull away from. On the contrary, he groaned as his lips parted and he embraced her back. Her hand touched his knee and glided up his leg, giving him ample time to stop her before she reached the jackpot.

Instead of halting her, he shifted in the chair, thrusting his hips forward in a welcoming motion. She fondled the erection pushing at his jeans. Nicely sized. She hoped he took her up on the invitation. Just not right this moment.

She ended the kiss, satisfied with his enthusiasm, and rose. “While I’d love to take this further, I unfortunately have to attend to some matters. Perhaps later…” With that parting invitation, she sashayed into the bathroom, and by the time she emerged, Amir had fled. Only the delectable lingering pheromones of his arousal remained.

Perhaps instead of looking at the training of the Lycans as a chore, she should look at it as untapped pleasure. After all, Sasha had needs, and quite honestly, Thaddeus clearly enjoyed his trysts with his wolves. Besides, none of the resident vamps attracted, and humans could be so fragile. Not to mention, weren’t Lycans big on the whole polyamory thing? A shiver went through her at the thought of bedding not just one or two but three hunky men. Each drew her. Amir with his mysterious eyes, big frame, and gruff attitude. Diego with his sultry, flirty smile and never-ending innuendo. And then Grouchy—Cyrus—with his messy locks, intelligence, and inability to walk away from a verbal sparring match.

However, seduction would have to wait. The battle with the ghouls the previous night proved that their work was far from over. Roderick and Morpheus had left a mess of stray minions, who, without a master to guide them, seemed determined to cause deadly trouble—and draw unwanted attention. As if Sasha didn’t have enough on her plate, she now also knew the reason Moon Dew had been singled out. According to Toni, Thaddeus’ mate, Roderick found a way to activate dormant wolf genes, which explained why he’d begun abducting them. Those dormants would have swelled the ranks of his army. Since thePacks didn’t give a fuck about the booted non-Lycans, they had no real idea how many had been taken—and converted.

Not that the number mattered. They’d hunt and eliminate them all.

As luck would have it, two days later, social media gave her the perfect mission to test her new allies. All but one agreed.


Diegoand the others were finishing dinner when Sasha sauntered into the kitchen with a bright smile.

“Hello, puppies,” she chirped. “Hope you’re all well rested, because today’s your day to prove yourself.”

“A test?” Cyrus queried.

“Yes, but not the kind with pen and paper,” she teased, figuring he was the type who likely aced all those exams in school. “We’re going on a mission.”

A frowning Cyrus leaned back in his seat. “What kind of mission?”

“A ghoul hunt. Seems like there is at least one on the loose terrorizing folks on the outskirts of a nearby city.”

“How do you know it’s a ghoul?”

Sasha held up her phone. “Authorities have found three bodies, and according to the reports, there were teeth marks on the flesh, savage slashing, and little blood left behind.”

A brow-arching Diego whistled. “I’m surprised the cops released that information. They usually keep tight-lipped with details when they suspect a spree killer.”

“It wasn’t the police. They’ve actually not had much to say about the sudden rash of deaths, other than recommendingcaution, such as folks not being out alone after dark. However, in this day of widespread camera phones, people have been uploading videos. This one dude claimed he was having a smoke on his balcony when he saw a person walking on the sidewalk get abruptly yanked into an alley. He didn’t record the actual grab but did manage to start filming in time to catch the screaming. According to the poster, when the cops arrived, they found the victim torn apart in the alley. The official police statement claimed it was likely a rabid dog and warned to be on the lookout.”

“That’s one body. What of the other two?” Amir leaned forward with an intent expression.

“No witnesses, but same outcome. I am sure there’s more. Not everyone gets declared missing right away, not to mention, the ghoul might have dragged some corpses back to its lair to snack on later.”