He half expected Sasha to blow him off. To his surprise, she ducked her head. “You’re right. That was a shitty thing for meto do. You have to understand this alliance thing with Lycans is Thaddeus’ idea. He’s the one keen on us working together. It’s rather new to me and, after a lifetime of avoiding Lycans, not an easy adjustment.”

“So you’re training us because your boss ordered it, but in reality, you don’t trust us at all,” Amir assessed.

“Can you blame me?” she countered. “It’s easy for Thaddeus because he’s mated to two wolves.”

“There are more wolves here than just Toni and Marc,” Diego pointed out. “He seems to trust us all, at least more than you do.”

“Because he’s also somehow got the alpha command, which means he doesn’t fear you turning on him. He can command you puppies to obey. Me, I’ve only got my quick fists and feet. If you were to turn on me in a battle, I’d be fucked. So yeah, I ditched your asses, but if it helps, I did feel a little bad about it.”

“No, you didn’t,” Cyrus commented, crossing his arms over his chest.

Her lips tilted. “Okay, I didn’t until you called me out. But in retrospect, I can see why you’re pissed. So how’s this? I promise not to tranquilize you in the future and lock you away.”

“What about bringing us the next time there’s a problem?”

She hesitated, and Amir barked, “For fuck’s sake, woman. Either you want us on your team or you don’t.”

“Fine! You can come on my next mission. But…” She eyed them and wagged a finger. “Keep in mind, I will be the one in charge. Listen to me or…”

“Or what?”

“When the fight ends and I need some blood to recover, whoever doesn’t listen gets to be my snack.”

With that, she whirled, presented a perfect ass, and stalked off, most likely to bed.

And in that silence, as at least three of them watched—because Omar remained more interested in an apple hemunched—Diego muttered, “Might be worth my while being bad just to have her suck on me.”

For some reason, the comment had Cyrus picturing Sasha doing it.

But not to Diego.

In his mental flash, she knelt on her knees in front of Cyrus and those perfect lips sucked…

His cock.


Exhaustion tuggedat Sasha as she headed for her quarters. A quick shower, a guzzle of blood from a bag, and then bed. Given her fatigue, she should have slept the moment her head hit the pillow, only she found herself thinking of the men who’d confronted her.

When she’d zapped their butts and locked them away, she’d truly thought it for the best. While their combat skills had improved quickly since she began their lessons, she worried about their killer instinct. It was one thing to attack and maim while in their wolf form—the predator had no issues when it came to doing harm—but, when in their human form, some could be squeamish. She didn’t want to discover they couldn’t hack it in the midst of a battle, not to mention, she’d never fought with anyone but other vamps. Until recently, the two species kept their distance, with the Lycans not even knowing about the existence of vampires.

However, she might have gone overboard with her actions. While she had every intention of returning, Cyrus was right: what if she hadn’t? Would anyone have set them free?

It didn’t turn out to be an issue this time. She probably shouldn’t risk a next time.

Despite her whirring thoughts, Sasha fell into a deep slumber as the sun shone outside. In the beginning of her transition from human to vampire, she’d missed its rays, especially the warmth of it on her skin. Now, after decades of living in darkness, the thought of its bright, burning glare repugned. She snoozed and fell into a rare dream, one where wolves chased her, and when they caught Sasha… Let’s just say they weren’t the only ones howling—with pleasure.

She woke slowly from that erotic fantasy, stretching in her bed, only to freeze at the realization she wasn’t alone. Must not be in danger, though, or her preservation instinct would have roused her sooner.

A deep inhalation let her know who waited, and before she’d fully opened her eyes, she drawled, “Please tell me you took advantage of my body while I slept.”

The big man sitting in the chair a few paces from her bed stiffened, and a disgruntled expression creased his features. Amir truly proved too easy to goad. Also, wilier than she’d given him credit for. How had he managed to enter her room without being stopped? The main house, especially the quarters reserved for the vampires, required codes to unlock the doors.

“I didn’t touch you.”

“Pity.” She rose from the bed and stretched again.
