He grunted, “Gotcha.”
She head-butted him, and he yelped, releasing her at once.
“Is your head okay?” she taunted. “I figured it was a safe place to hit, since it’s so hard.”
And now she had two disgruntled wolves. She pointed to Diego. “Let’s go, pretty boy. Might as well have a turn.”
“I’d rather make love, not war,” Diego declared, even as he kicked off his shoes to go barefoot in the grass.
“As if you could handle me,” she purred.
“I’d be into that challenge,” his quick reply.
“Are you angling for an invitation to my bed?” she asked, stepping close to him with a smile.
“Bed. Lawn. Bent over a desk. On a counter.” Diego winked. “You’re petite enough I’m thinking I could just bounce you on my cock.”
She traced a finger down his chest. “With an audience, or without? I hear wolves are into sharing.”
His nostrils flared. “Not something I’ve tried, but I’m always open to new experiences.”
“I’ve never fucked a Lycan, but have to say, the three of you are tempting. I do hope you don’t slobber when you kiss.”
“Only when my tongue is buried between thighs.”
Sasha felt an unexpected quiver at the words. Blame the fact he was sexy and she’d been a while without a lover.
“We’re supposed to be sparring,” she reminded.
He grabbed her and dragged her close, pulling her up onto her tiptoes. “Does verbal not count?” He lowered his head and captured her lips. Instant heat filled her veins and shot through her body. It felt nice enough she let it go on for a few seconds before she grabbed him by the balls in a firm grip and twisted.
Diego howled and hit the grass cradling his nuts, moaning.
She planted her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Guess now would be a good time to mention vampires will fight dirty.”
To her surprise, Cyrus laughed. “Holy bruised ego. I don’t think anyone’s ever rejected Diego before.”
The statement had Diego glaring. “Not funny.”
“What did you expect? That a cold-blooded vampire would fall for your charm?” Amir snorted in disdain.
“Let this be a lesson that vampires are not emotionally swayed. We don’t play fair either. We fight to win.”
She glanced at Omar, who’d stayed well out of reach. “I’m guessing you’re not taking a turn.”
The violent shake of his head almost toppled him. No surprise. He reeked of cowardice. If she couldn’t smell the Lycan in his blood, she’d have thought him a human.
“Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let me ask again: would you like me to teach you to fight?”
“When you say fight, exactly who would we be using these skills against?” Amir questioned. “Because if it’s other Lycans, then it should be noted, when shifted, I’m considered one of the toughest.”
“If you ally with us, then you will be going up against the rogues that the other side controls, but they won’t necessarily be in their wolf shape. As you saw in Moon Dew, they resorted to using knives as well as claws.”
“I really don’t see how any amount of training is going to give us an advantage when you have speed and strength we can’t compare to,” Cyrus pointed out.
“It will give you experience so you’re better able to predict our movements, though, most likely, I or one of the other vamps will handle our kind.”
“So long as the bloodsucker whammying wolves into obeying doesn’t get inside our heads and turn us against you.”