Page 67 of Reckless Hearts

It’s amazing to have someone who wakes with the sun and is ready to start the day. It’s always been an issue for me in the past. Guys I’ve dated, who don’t understand the surfing world, are never okay with me spending hours surfing. I even had one call it a stupid hobby that would never amount to anything. He’s part of the reason I’m where I am today. It’s a ‘fuck you’ to him, and I hope he sees me surf Pipe, seeing my hobby possibly turn into a career.

“Honestly, nothing,” I tell Flynn, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. “I was thinking we could do some snorkeling. You ever been out here?”

I have no idea if he’s supposed to be with Jade today, and I really don’t care. After listening to her on the phone the otherday and knowing she’s not even supposed to be here yet, Flynn shouldn’t have to cater to her every need.

“I actually haven’t,” he replies, and I push up to look at him, my mouth falling open in mock surprise. “I know, crazy, right? I’ve always wanted to check out Molokini, but I’ve never had the time when I’ve been here.”

I smile, shaking my head. If he thinks we’re going to Molokini, he’s got another thing coming. It’s one of the most popular tourist destinations, and we’d definitely be recognized there. Putting us at risk is not something I want to do at this point in time.

It’s one thing for me to sneak over here at night and then slip out in the morning, but it’s a whole other thing to intentionally go where there are crowds.

“We’re not going to Molokini. You can take Jade to do that so she can pretend not to enjoy getting noticed,” I tease, and he grabs my hips. Pulling me on top of him, his fingers hold me firmly in place as he thrusts his hips up to meet mine, smiling when I moan at the sensation.

“You have anything going on today?” I ask, knowing I have that signing that Nate set up at The Pipe Dream, but that’s not until this evening.

“Nope, nothing.”

“Nothing with Jade? There’s the signing tonight, remember?”

He rolls his eyes, letting his head fall back against the pillow as I run my fingers softly down his chest. Goosebumps pop up on his skin at just the simplicity of my touch.

“I’ll be at the signing, but not for her,” he tells me, pushing up on his elbows. I lean down and kiss him. “I told her we aren’t training today, and we won’t be training until next week. She wasn’t supposed to be here until then anyway.”

“Think she’s going to take no for an answer?”

Flynn chuckles again as his grip on my hips tightens. His broad shoulders are splayed out on the pillow as he looks up at me through his thick, dark lashes, and when he winks at me, I feel my stomach flutter.

“I thought we weren’t talking about Jade anymore?” His tone is clipped, but there’s a small smirk on his full lips, and all I want to do is lean down and kiss them.

“You’re right. We’re not. So a little snorkeling this morning?” I suggest, waiting for him to respond from before.

“Snorkeling it is.”

An hour later, we’re on the Luna Mae and heading to one of my favorite spots. I had texted Tanner to see if it was cool if we took the boat out, and he gave me the all-clear. But not without reminding me that his boat is not for casual hook ups and dirty sex in the bed he shares with his wife.

I still have no idea if he knows it was me, but I’m not going to be the one to say it. And as pissed as Sage was that she took the fall for it, I don’t think she’ll tell Tanner either.

“Back to the scene of the crime,” Flynn jokes as I ease the Luna Mae out of the harbor and onto the ocean.

“What’s that supposed to mean? I wouldn’t call what we did a crime. Maybe reckless, but never a crime.” I smile at him, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.

Holy shit, that hook up was hot, and probably one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. I put it up there with making it to Maui Pipe and catching my first barrel. That hook up led to so much more, and here we are now, out on the water together.

“It means that I had no idea I’d fall for you so quickly after that, but Alana, you fucking stole my heart that day,” Flynnadmits, and it feels like my own heart has belonged to him from that day on too.

“I know that feeling well,” I tell him, and it feels like we’re inching closer to saying what I’ve been feeling since I read Mitch’s letter.

I’m falling in love with Flynn Roberts.

But the conversation stops there, and we stare out at the water. The mountains and all their greenery fill where the ocean isn’t. It’s stunning. There were times in my life when I would have done anything to leave this island and never return. Now, I can’t imagine my life anywhere else.

“You ready?” I ask Flynn, the boat now idling as I get ready to anchor it. “We’re just out here, floating, but I’ve seen octopuses and turtles and even some reef sharks out here.”

He nods, moving to where the anchor is stored, and tosses it over with ease, lowering it until it no longer has any give.

“I’m sure it’s got nothing on Australian snorkeling. Those massive whales. You ever swim with them?” I ask as Flynn comes over, sorting through the gear I grabbed.

“Yeah, I’ve snorkeled at Ningaloo Reef before, but never got to experience the whale sharks. Someday. Maybe even with you,” Flynn replies, and again, that feeling returns to my stomach, my head filled with the words I want to say but don’t.