Page 54 of Reckless Hearts

“Yeah, you’re good, Flynn. We aren’t going to say anything,” Nate adds as Miles nods his head beside him.

I take another swig of my beer, somehow knowing I can trust these guys even if I barely know them. I know Alana, though, and she trusts them. And I trust her. I might have only known her for a week or so, but it feels like longer, like this connection between us is more than just lust and sex and want. Way more.

“Okay, so she’s super demanding,” I start. “Like I’m out here for a holiday and she just fucking shows up early and expects me to hang out with her, when the whole point of me coming early was to have a break from her.” The words tumble out of me in a rush, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m a little drunk or because I’ve never really had anyone to talk to about any of this. “And yeah, she’s a good surfer, but it’s the other shit. The way she acts like the whole world revolves around her and how everyone should just stop and cater to whatever random need she thinks is important. Plus, she was a bitch to Alana, so...” I trail off when I realize what I’ve just said.

The guys are all silent, and as I lift my gaze, I can feel the weight of their stares on me. Owen is grinning as he takes a sip of his beer before saying, “That bothers you, huh?”

I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs because, of course, he’s worked out that I fancy her. Pretty sure none of them know that anything has happened between us though, and for Alana’s sake, I am definitely keeping that a secret.

“Of course,” I say.

“Alana can handle her,” Nate replies matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, I know,” I respond. “But it’s more that Jade just shouldn’t be like that. I don’t know. She seems to forget that once upon a time, she was a newbie surfer who had no fucking clue.”

The guys laugh at that as Owen now says, “It’s nice that you care about Alana, though.”

I hit him with a look that only makes him laugh harder, and this time the guys look at me and then him and then back to me again before Nate says, “What the fuck is this about?”

Owen chuckles, shaking his head a little. “Nothin’,” he replies, surprising me when he doesn’t tell them what he’s already worked out. “What do you think the girls are up to?” he now asks, and Nate lets out a groan.

“You mean, what is Sloane up to?” he asks, as my phone vibrates in my pocket again.

As the guys all start to give Owen shit about his very obvious crush on Sloane, I pull my phone from my pocket, smiling when I see the message.

Alana: Hey! How is your night? Are you having fun with the guys?

She’s added a bunch of surfing emojis and a volcano one.

Me: I am. How is your night with the girls? Also, are you drunk?

Alana: Good and yes, maybe...yes, I am.

Me: Mmmm...I think I’m kinda intrigued by drunk Alana...

Alana: Why?

I look up, realizing the guys are all still ribbing Owen about Sloane, even though he isn’t biting at their digs. None of them are paying me any attention as I turn back to my phone.

Me: Idk, I just think she’d be a lot of fun.

Alana: I’m fun when I’m sober too.

Me: Oh, I know!


Alana: Are you drunk?

Me: Kinda, yeah.

Alana: I feel like drunk Flynn would be super hot.

The laughter bursts out of me before I can stop it, and the guys all turn to look at me. Owen smirks at me again. “Sorry, don’t mind me,” I say, waving my phone in dismissal as I take a sip of beer and go back to messaging.

Me: Do you think sober Flynn is super hot too?

Alana: YES!