Page 53 of Reckless Hearts

Tanner just laughs, reaching over to ruffle Alana’s hair. “Don’t be an idiot. You scored big points when you pulled your head out of your ass and started training again.”

I let out a loud laugh as Alana leans over the counter to slap Tanner on the arm. “Oh, well, thanks,” she says sarcastically.

He grins, clapping his hands together once as he says, “Alright, I’ve got these customs in the back. Flynn you wanna give me a hand unloading?”

I turn to Alana, who just rolls her eyes again as she snatches the drink from my hand. “Yes, he can help you. He’s under my supervision today.”

Tanner laughs, giving her a thumbs up before turning and heading back outside. Before I leave, I can’t resist leaning over the counter, so we are only inches apart as I say, “I’d be happy to be under you any day.”

Her eyes widen as a smile pulls at her mouth. Shaking her head, she puts her hand on my chest, gently easing me back as she says, “Get out of here.”

I spend the rest of the day helping out in the shop. Alana and I manage to keep our hands to ourselves, mainly thanks to how busy it is. I’m all set to help her with the afternoon lesson too, but then Sloane shows up ready to help out, and I have no choice but to let the two of them go.

I get what feels like a million more phone calls and messages from Jade too, all of which I ignore because I am not on the clock with her right now. And by the time the evening rolls around, I’m actually glad Nate is having a get-together and has invited me. I suddenly have a strong urge to get drunk and try to forget about how much I want a woman I can’t have, while the one I have no interest in won’t leave me alone.


I pop my head out the front door of the place I’m staying in to find Nate, Miles and Kai outside. I’m not sure which one of them called my name, but it’s Kai holding out a beer to me as he says, “Come join us, dude.”

Chuckling, I walk out, taking the beer from Kai as I flop down into one of the chairs surrounding the firepit. Just as I do, Owen appears from around the side of the shop, a case of beer under his arm and a bag in the other.

“Dude!” Kai shouts, and I swear if I didn’t know this guy, I’d think he was permanently drunk or stoned or both. He isn’t. He’s just a laid-back goofball. And a cool one at that.

“Hey,” Owen says with a grin as he holds up the bag. “I bought stuff to eat.”

Nate stands and takes the bag from his hand, throwing a couple of bags of chips at Miles and me before walking over to the barbecue and pulling out the rest of the food.

“Dude, you should cook,” Kai says pointing at me with his beer. “Throw another shrimp on the bar-bee,” he adds, in what is quite possibly the worst Australian accent I have ever heard.

I burst out laughing. “Holy shit, what the hell was that?”

“Gidday, mate, it was me Aussie accent.”

“Um, no it was not,” I say, shaking my head. “That was just straight up fucking awful.”

“He’s right, dude. You kinda sounded mental just then,” Owen says with a laugh.

“Whatever,” Kai replies, grinning. “Give me a few more beers and I’ll nail it.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m gonna need a few more beers just to listen to it,” I say as I open one of the bags of chips.

Kai laughs, pushing up out of his chair as he heads toward the fridge. “Well, it’s a good thing we have that covered.”

Couple of hours later and not only have I been roped into cooking the barbecue, but we are all also kind of buzzed. Kai has been attempting to talk with an Aussie accent all night and maybe it’s because we are getting drunker, but it’s suddenly funny as hell listening to him yell out random catchphrases that no one in Australia actually ever says in real life.

Hanging with these guys has been really fun and definitely a good distraction from thinking about Alana.

“So, dude, what’s it like working with Jade Whitlock?” Kai asks as he hands me another beer.

I twist off the cap, flicking it toward the bin, clearly drunk enough that I say, “Hard fucking work.”

“Whoa!” they all shout, not expecting such an honest answer.

“What’s that about?” Kai now asks, propping his feet up on an overturned milk crate.

I groan, sliding down in my chair as my phone vibrates in my pocket. “Fuck, never mind. I shouldn’t have said that,” I say, half-laughing as I scrub a hand down my face.

“Nah, man, cone of silence around here,” Owen says twirling his finger around.