Page 46 of Reckless Hearts

“I don’t have a coach,” I admit, and this is exactly what she was hoping I would say. “I train on my own and with some friends.”

I don’t know why I add in this last part. She doesn’t need to know this, and what I really want to tell her is that I’ve been training with her coach.

“Oh my god, seriously?” she croons, almost like she actually feels sorry for me.

How could anyone possibly get better if they don’t have a coach? How could someone make it to Pipe without the support of a well-known name?

“Flynn is great,” she now tacks on, looking over her shoulder to where the judges’ booth is, a wistful smile on her face. “He’s just so…so great.” She smiles at me, tight-lipped and icy as she leans in a little closer to me and stage whispers, “And he’s great in bed too.”

And with that comment, she walks away, leaving me feeling like I’ve been punched in the stomach. The air leaves my lungs in a rush of an exhale, shocked and hurt.

There’s no way she’s sleeping with him.

No. Fucking. Way.

I saw the way he looked at her when she showed up here. I’ve seen the way he looks at me, the longing and lust glowing in his ocean-blue eyes.

But then there’s that small part of me that expects to be hurt, like the world is still working against me, but I hope Flynn isn’t part of that.

The rest of the competition goes off without any issues and I don’t see Jade again. A part of me hopes I don’t see her until Maui Pipe. I’m not sure I can deal with her brash, overconfident nature for another minute. I have no idea how Flynn stands her,but then I remember, he’s getting paid to be around her. That might make it a little easier to swallow.

I don’t see Flynn either, not going out of my way to say goodbye to him or to tell him he did a great job as a judge before I leave. That’s Nate’s job to thank him for helping out, and I let Nate handle that, even if it’s the last thing I want to do.

Jade’s words continue to play out in my head, loud and echoing, and I hate that I’m second-guessing what happened between Flynn and me. Thinking there was more there than just a fling, and maybe I misread it all. Every touch. Every kiss. Every word.

And he’s great in bed too.

I want to vomit at her words, and as much as I’m telling myself not to be hurt, I am. My heart aches, painful and throbbing, feeling so stupid. And the worst part is that I can’t even tell Daisy or Sloane or Sage what happened.

I need them right now.

But it will all stay locked up.

I remind myself that I don’t need the drama right before Maui Pipe. Jade is enough drama all on her own with all those spiteful comments and her intentional mention of sleeping with Flynn. It’s like she could see it on my face, my interest in him, and knew how to get under my skin even more.

I try to let it go, but I just can’t.

And I find myself picking up my phone, shooting him a text that feels desperate but needed.

Me: Are you fucking Jade?

Flynn’s reply is almost instant, the telltale bubbles popping up, never stopping for a fraction of a second.

Flynn: What? Fuck no! Did she tell you that?

Me: She did.

Flynn: I need to see you, Alana. Come to me.

Suddenly, I feel breathless, my heart slamming hard in my chest, thumping loudly in my ears as a surge of desire shoots through me at his words.

I want to go to him, but I can’t. We can’t keep doing this. We both know it’s wrong and now with Jade here, the risk is even higher.

He’s like an obsession to me, and it isn’t just the sex, but fuck knows, that it’s so damn good it could bring any straight woman to her knees, begging for more.

His message is on the screen, reading it over and over, I debate it in my head. All the reasons I shouldn’t, all the reasons I should, playing out.

And not one of them feels like the right answer.