Page 42 of Reckless Hearts

I felt like Alana might have been on the same page too. Her hands were all over me, grabbing at my skin, pulling me closer as she kissed and bit and sucked.

But then my phone rang, and despite ignoring it at first, the caller, Nate, rang back. Today is the Keiki Chaos thing, a mini Maui Pipe comp for the kids, and I promised Nate I’d help out. Now that he knows who I am, he’s also roping me into being a judge for the whole thing, something he’s publicizing widely.

So I stopped and answered my phone, even though my body was screaming at me to just keep going.

I know Alana and I are walking a very dangerous line here. We are both being reckless and crazy and borderline stupid, but it also feels like neither of us is able to be any other way.

And to be honest, I’m not sure I want to be either.

I pull into the parking area by the side of the shop before heading inside to take a shower and jerk off, needing to release some of this pent-up frustration. As I step under the hot water, my dick already hard, I grab the soap, lathering up my hand.

Leaning against the tile, I grip my dick, slowly stroking as I close my eyes, my mind going back to this morning when I was pressed up against Alana, my tongue in her mouth and her hands all over me. It’s not hard to remember how good it felt as my grip tightens around my cock and my strokes get faster.

“Jesus, fuck, Alana,” I groan, remembering the way her body felt as my hands roamed all over her warm skin. The feel of hernails against my back, marking me as she pulled at my bottom lip with her teeth.

I come hard and suddenly, making a mess all over the tiles, but the release does nothing to curb my want for her. It’s probably just as well I’m not competing at Maui Pipe because my head is a mess over this woman, and I’m not sure I could focus.

After I clean up, I dry off, wrapping the towel around my waist as I wander back to my bedroom, hearing my phone ping out a text.

Jade: How come you’re not staying in the same place as me on Maui?

Typical message from Jade, no hello or how are you, just straight to the point, which is usually all about her. I type out a response.

Me: Cause I came out here earlier for a break.

Jade: So where are you?

Me: On Maui…I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.

Jade: No, I mean where are you now, I’m here.

“Oh fuck,” I groan, shoving a hand through my wet hair. Why the fuck has Jade come out here early? Half the point of me coming out here early was to have a break from not just everything, but also her.

There’s no denying Jade is a good surfer, although she lacks the natural talent that Alana has, and it’s part of why I’m coaching her. But she is tough work at times and there comes a point when I just need a break from her. That’s what this was supposed to be, a longer period between surf comps when I could come out to Hawaii, a place I’ve always loved, a little earlier and just do my own thing.

Now with Jade being here, not only is she going to be up my arse twenty-four-seven, there’s even less chance of me being able to do anything with Alana because if Jade were to even suspect anything was going on between us, the shit would hit the fan in a big way.

Me: I’m having a break, and I’m busy right now. Why don’t you head out to surf, get some practice in?

She doesn’t respond to my message, and I know it’s because she’s pissed off at my dismissive response and me not telling her where I am. But Jade knowing where I’m staying is the last thing I need because I do not want her coming around here whenever she wants, disrupting this cool thing I have going here.

I like hanging out with Nate and Sage, and Alana and I don’t need Jade here banging on about her own shit like she tends to do.

With a sigh, I throw my phone onto the bed and get dressed, not giving a shit about whether I’ve pissed Jade off or not.

When I walk into The Pipe Dream, Nate hits me with a grin and an apology. “Sorry for the multiple phone calls this morning, things are kinda blowing up a bit now that we have a world champion judging this thing. The kids are going crazy.”

“No worries,” I say, waving his apology away, even if his phone calls did interrupt something that was about to get very hot and heavy between Alana and me. I’m trying not to see it as a sign, even though I probably should be. “What do you need me to do?”

Nate points toward a bunch of banners and flags. “Can you take those to the beach and get them set up? Kai and Miles are already there, so you’ll know where to go.”

“Cool, and it’s at Starfish Cove, right?” I check.

“Yep,” Nate replies with a nod. “Thanks again, Flynn. Really appreciate your help with this.”

“All cool,” I tell him. “Maybe I’ll find the next world champion,” I add with a grin.

Nate laughs. “Maybe, and maybe you should try for it again,” he says, giving me a look that I know is meant to be encouraging.