Page 19 of Reckless Hearts

“You wanna hang out tonight?” I ask, knowing I’m not ready for our time to be over.

Alana laughs, shaking her head as she says, “Can’t, I’m having dinner with the girls.”

“The girls?”

“Sage and my two roommates,” she says. “Actually, you should hang out with Nate tonight. He’s cool.”

I nod, wondering if maybe I can talk to him about a design for the board Tanner is making for me. It hadn’t been hard to convince Tanner, and I didn’t even need to mention Alana’s name or show him the card when I went to see him. Tanner hadrecognized me the second I walked through his door and was all about making me a board. “In case you wanna compete again,” he said, and he’d been so cool about it, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that wasn’t likely to happen.

“Yeah, maybe I will,” I say. “And maybe you could come over after your dinner, sneak in when all the lights are out?”

I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting to be with her, just like I can’t seem to stop vocalizing this to her either.

Alana stops, her head tipped to the side as she watches me, a small smile on her face. “Yeah, maybe I will.”

It feltamazing to be back out on the water, catching waves and riding them like I was born for it. It feels like home, and as much as it reminded me of Mitch, it was in a good way. In a way that felt right.

I’m still thinking about it when I walk into the little restaurant where I’m meeting the girls. All three of them are already there, tucked into a booth in the back where we always sit.

Daisy tosses up a hand, signaling for me, and I smile, walking over to sit down. They all have beers, and they’re laughing and talking. Sage is filling them in on the Luna Mae sexy times, still mortified that Tanner thinks it’s her.

“Was it you?” Sage asks Sloane, her question said with some hesitation, and she slides over, making room for me. “How about you?” This time her question is directed at Daisy, and Daisy lets out a laugh. It’s like this big mystery, and it seems Sage needs to solve it.

“Omg, why would you think it was me?” Daisy chirps out, sounding insulted. “I haven’t hooked up with anyone since…” she trails off, not wanting to admit who she’s been with sinceMiles. It’s been tough for her, but I do wish she was the one hooking up on Tanner’s boat. With Miles and not that dick she’s with now. She needs it.

“I don’t know,” Sage says. “Everyone thought it was me and Nate, but why would we? We have our own place, and we don’t even use condoms.” She lets out an exasperated sigh, and we all laugh. She’s so bothered by this. “Sloane?”

“Nope, not me. I’m as far from the random hook up as it gets,” she says, shrugging. “You all know that. Maybe it was Alana.” Sloane hits me with a pointed look as the rest of the table does the same. As far as everyone knows, Sage is the only one getting laid on a regular basis, so tossing it in my direction is no surprise.

I can feel my heartbeat quicken, worried that I’ve been caught, and wondering if I should just admit to it. But instead, I blurt out the one thing that I know will shut them up.

“I’m going to surf Maui Pipe. I’m doing it. I’m not dropping out.”

The entire table falls silent. Daisy’s mouth hangs open before she lets out a loud whoop of joy. Sloane and Sage follow suit until they’re all talking at once, excited for me. Not that I didn’t think they would be, but this is more of a reception than I expected.

“We are going out tomorrow,” Sloane says. “I’m getting the jet ski, and we’re spending all day out on the water. You need to catch up on your training.”

I nod, that little bit of guilt and sadness still lingers, but I want to go big more than I want to hide and mourn the loss of Mitch. I want to win this whole damn thing. It wasn’t a lie when I told Flynn I’m scared of letting people down.

To this little town and to my friends, this is a huge deal. It’s been so long since a local made it this far, and I don’t want to disappoint them by failing to even place. But if I don’t eventry, that feels like a bigger failure. They’re all counting on me, including Mitch. I owe it to him more than anyone.

“I’m in,” I tell Sloane, and Daisy asks to tag along. “How about you?” I now ask Sage, and she pauses, looking at Daisy and then Sloane and then back to me.

“I don’t know anything about surfing. I’m not sure I’ll be any help,” she replies sweetly, sounding perfect like she always does.

“Stop it. You are totally coming along,” I say, not giving her a chance to argue. “Maybe you’ll learn a few things while you’re out there with us too. And he was your dad, you inherited some natural talent.”

“Fine, fine,” Sage concedes, smiling, her face lighting up at being included in our little girl gang. She fits in so well, it’s like she’s been with us all along.

The waitress comes by, and we order pizza, adding in some more beers for all of us, making plans to meet early tomorrow.

“Cheers to Alana,” Sage says, holding up her beer, and all I keep hoping is I don’t let any of them down. And if I have anyone to thank for pushing me back in this direction, it’s Flynn.

And he doesn’t even know it.

It’s late by the time we get home. Sloane, Daisy and I walked Sage back to her place, and now the three of us are just coming through the door to ours.

“I’m gonna shower and then go to bed,” Daisy says, and I send up a silent plea that she decides not to use the outdoor shower because I’m planning to sneak out and meet up with Flynn.