“I get it,” I whisper, knowing I need to keep this what it is anyway, what it’s supposed to be.
Just sex.
Nothing more.
Even if right now, it suddenly feels like a hell of a lot more, for so many reasons.
“Yeah?” Alana asks.
I roll my body onto hers, lifting her arms and pinning them above her head, my hands curled around her wrists. “Yes,” I whisper, my mouth against hers. “And this time.” I pause, giving her another kiss, “I’m gonna fuck you so deep, you come harder than you’ve ever come in your life.”
“I hate to do this,”I say hesitantly, Flynn relaxing in my bed, both of us sated and thoroughly fucked. His hands are tucked behind his head, looking incredibly comfortable. Not that I’m not enjoying his naked ass in my bed, but Sloane’s going to be home soon.
“I gotta go, huh?” he responds back, sounding far more disappointed than I expect, almost like he thought I might have changed my mind.
“Listen, it’s not you, I promise. I’m not trying to kick you out,” I tell him, but he lets out a low chuckle, shaking his head playfully.
“I think you are trying to kick me out.” His comment back has me laughing now. I am trying, not actually trying, I need him to go before Sloane gets home. “Do you have a boyfriend? A husband?” he now questions.
“No, nothing like that. It’s just my roommate, she has some childhood trauma, and my other roommate Daisy and I have made it a point to not bring…” I trail off, trying to find the right words so it doesn’t sound like I’m insulting him. “We just don’thave guys here. It’s a guy-free zone. At least guys we don’t know well.”
I’m rambling, and it’s starting to sound really shitty. I close my mouth because if I keep talking, I’m just going to dig myself in deeper.
“I’d like to change that, Alana,” Flynn says, and there he goes again, saying my name and setting me on fire. It’s that damn accent and the way he says the letter A. Fuck, I love that my name has three of them.
“I would too,” I reply, draping myself across his bare chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. I have no idea what I’m doing, as I keep reminding myself not to get attached. “Want to meet tomorrow? The swell is always the best in the late afternoon.”
“Yeah, I’m in,” he croons, and my heart skips a beat, loving that I have someone to surf with and who’s good in bed. “Maybe you could think a little more about Maui Pipe while we’re out there. Get some training in.”
As soon as he says the words, it’s like a punch in the gut. It didn’t used to be this way. Every time someone said Maui Pipe, they couldn’t shut me up, but now it feels like a goddamned swear word.
“Yeah, maybe,” I mutter, not really wanting to discuss it anymore. Honestly, I wish it were over already so I could move on.
“You realize what winning would mean, right?” Flynn now says, and I roll my eyes, letting out a scoff. “You don’t think you could win?”
“Not a chance in hell. Not with surfers like Jade Whitlock and Emily Amos. You know that Jade is only eighteen and she’s already a world champ.” I sound bitchy and jealous as I say this, all of it coming out in a rush with a clipped tone.
“She’s not that great,” Flynn says, and I sit up abruptly, hitting him with a severe look. “What? She’s not. You’re just as good, Alana. Not just anyone makes it as an amateur.”
“Yeah, I get that, but she has the sponsors and the money backing her. I have a small surf shop in Maui and fucking hope.”
“And talent,” Flynn adds, but I just laugh. “I’ll meet you out there tomorrow and we’ll see how it goes. Something tells me you’re better than you let on.”
“Something tells me if you don’t get out of here soon, my roommate is going to come home and lose her mind,” I tease, leaning down to kiss him.
I get up from the bed, letting Flynn do the same as we get dressed, and I walk him to the door. The house is still quiet and I’m thankful Sloane hasn’t gotten home from the library yet. Not just because I have a guy over, but because I really don’t want to fill her in on what I’ve been up to.
She’s gotten so much better with us inviting people over, and she would probably be okay with Flynn here, but I’m not going to push it. This is her house too, and when Daisy and I let her move in, it was the first thing she asked us to do.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I start, and he cuts off my words, his mouth capturing mine in a kiss that takes the air from my lungs.
It’s the kind of kiss that I’m going to find myself dreaming about, telling Daisy and Sloane about, romanticizing it. His hand wraps around to the back of my neck, tightening his grip as his tongue tangles with mine. I lean in closer to him, his knee slipping between my thighs, and I groan into his mouth.
“Where tomorrow?” Flynn murmurs, his breath soft against my lips. The way his body feels in line with mine, the warmth of his breath, the smell of his skin, it all feels so damn right.
“My bed.” My eyes close, my head falling back against the door as I let out a hard sigh, feeling like I need him inside me again.
“Alana,” he growls, his fingers tangling in my hair, pulling my head to the side, his mouth connecting with my neck, sucking and biting. “Meet me in my bed and then surfing.”