“Wanna tell me how it went?” I ask.
She blows out a breath. “The same as yours, I think. Asked me a bunch of questions, didn’t want my opinion on things and then asked me all about my training program and what I knew about Jade’s.”
“So basic shit and nothing that implicates us in anything.”
“Nope,” she replies. “Said we’d probably find out soon because they wanted to sort it out before Pipe.”
I lean in and press another kiss to her lips. “Yeah, that makes sense. It’s gonna be okay, beautiful. Sounds like you and I said all the same things and there’s no way Jade is going to be able to contradict that.”
“Unless she convinces them we’re lying,” Alana says.
“Babe, we’re not lying, and they’re going to know that,” I say, running my hands through her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “It’s going to be okay, and in a week, you’ll be slaying it at Pipe and really showing Jade what you’re made of.”
“I hope you’re right,” she says, sadness in her eyes.
Smiling, I lean in and give her another kiss. “I know I am,” I tell her. “Now how about we forget about all of this shit and get some dinner?”
She smiles, her fingers brushing across my cheekbone. “You wanna go to your place?”
“Actually,” I say, grinning. “Sloane said it was cool if I stayed here tonight.”
Alana’s eyes widen as she says, “She did? Wow.”
“Uh huh,” I reply with a nod. “You good with that?”
“Yeah, of course I am,” she says, her finger tracing my bottom lip, a half smile on her face as she watches me.
I know she’s worried and scared, and I want so badly to tell her how I feel about this and her and everything that’s happening between us. That I don’t want to leave Hawaii after Pipe, nor do I want Jade to come between us. But I know now is not the time to admit these things, not with this investigation hanging over us.
“Okay then,” I say, giving her another quick kiss before I roll off the bed. Holding a hand out to her, I pull her up and into my arms. “How about I whip up my world-famous burritos for you ladies then?”
“World-famous?” she teases, a gorgeous smirk on her face.
“World-famous, babe, just you wait,” I say, grabbing her arse as I haul her against me.
The next morning, I wake early, my arms wrapped around Alana who lies with her back to my chest, our bodies pressed together. Glancing at the clock, I can see it’s earlier than usual, the sun barely above the horizon.
Closing my eyes, I pull her even closer, burying my face in the back of her neck as I inhale her scent, an addictive mix of the ocean and coconut and strawberry surf wax. Inhaling deeply, a feeling of calm washes over me, knowing this is exactly where I am supposed to be.
Alana snuggles against me, and already my dick is up and raring to go, but I don’t try anything, knowing she needs to sleep and that I am happy to just lie here and hold her.
My phone buzzing on the nightstand kills that idea, and I carefully reach over and grab it, trying not to wake her. Blinking as I try to focus on the screen, I can see it’s a text from Danielle.
Danielle Thornton: Just sent you the final report and findings. Hope all goes well at Pipe.
“Fuck,” I say, louder than I intend to as I fall onto my back, clicking through to my email.
“What’s wrong?” Alana asks, rolling over, her eyes still closed and probably half asleep.
“They’ve made their decision,” I say, my eyes scanning the email, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Shit,” Alana says, scrambling beneath the sheet as she reaches across me for her phone.
“Babe, wait,” I say, wrapping an arm around her as I hold her against me. “Look,” I say, turning my phone to her so she can see the report that’s been sent to both of us.
I watch as Alana reads it, her mouth moving slightly as though she’s saying the words, like she’s willing them to be true. When she’s done, she looks over at me, her eyes wide and her cheeks a little flushed. “They cleared us,” she whispers, almost like she doesn’t believe it.
“They did,” I say, taking my phone and dropping it on the nightstand. “And you, beautiful, are still surfing Maui Pipe.”