Page 72 of Reckless Hearts

“Because you are amazing,” I whisper, kissing her again.

Alana blushes now, and fuck me if it isn’t all kinds of adorable. Everything about her is adorable, and I can’t believeit’s only been a week or so since this all started and I’ve already fallen hard.

Really hard.

“It’s just chicken long rice, but it’s kinda my specialty,” she says.

Chuckling, I lean in, brushing my lips over hers. “Oh, I think you have a lot of specialties, Alana Hale.” She giggles at that, and I can’t resist kissing her again, unable to get enough of her. God, I haven’t just fallen hard for this girl, I’ve fucking fallen in love with her. And I have no idea how I am supposed to walk away from her when Pipe is over.IfI can walk away from her.

“Oh, I meant to tell you,” she suddenly says, pulling back a little, a huge smile on her face. “The guy from Oakley wanted to talk to me about possible sponsorship opportunities.”

“Holy shit, that’s awesome!” I say, genuinely excited for her because I know how huge it is when a big-name brand approaches you. And while it isn’t always a guarantee, I know the second he sees her surfing at Pipe, he’ll be all over it. All of them will be. “You’ll get heaps more when you kill it at Pipe too, you know.”

“If I kill it at Pipe,” she says. “There’s some pretty tough competition coming, Flynn. Trust me, I’ve seen the lineup.”

I drop a kiss on the end of her nose. “Yeah, and I’ve seen you surf, beautiful, and I know true talent when I see it.” She gives me that shy smile again, and I can’t help but laugh. “I’m serious, Alana, you are a really fucking talented surfer.”

“Thank you,” she whispers, kissing me softly. “But let me show you what a talented cook I can be too,” she says, turning back to the stove and the ingredients I now see laid out on the kitchen bench.

My arms are still wrapped around her, her back to my front, and I can’t resist leaning in, my mouth at her ear as I whisper.“And after, I’m gonna show you how talented I can be in the bedroom.”

She snorts out a laugh, turning to me as she says, “I think you already have.”

Smirking, I tighten my arms, my fingers teasing the waistband of her shorts. “Oh no, I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve.”

“Oh?” she asks, her eyes widening. “Such as?”

Chuckling, I slip my fingers beneath her shorts and panties, brushing them against her soft skin. “Hmmm, I think I might just wait and show you,” I whisper, my lips trailing along the shell of her ear.

“Can’t wait,” she says, rubbing her arse against my dick, which is already hard in my shorts.

“Ugh, don’t be a tease, especially when you’re holding sharp instruments,” I say, gesturing to the knife she’s picked up. Alana laughs, and I press one more kiss to her neck before letting her go, moving to grab a couple of beers from the fridge for us. “Was everything okay with Jade at the signing?” I now ask, changing the subject.

I hadn’t hung around the table all night, mainly because there was a heap of people lined up waiting to speak to both of them. And as I watched, it was pretty clear that just as many people had shown up to see Alana as Jade, and there was a huge part of me that was very happy about that.

“Yeah, it was fine,” she says with a shrug as she glances over at me. “I can handle Jade,” she now adds, and I can only hope she’s right because if there’s one thing I have learned over the past twelve months, it’s that when Jade is left to her own devices, chaos often ensues.

The damn dog is proof of that.

“I made plans for us today,”I tell Flynn the second my alarm goes off. Again, it’s early, and he groans out, still sounding tired, opening one eye to see the room is still shrouded in darkness.

“Maybe if someone didn’t keep me up so late, I’d be okay,” he teases, his voice gravelly and deep. “So what’s on the agenda today, my sexy little tour guide?”

Rolling over, so his chest is to my back, he reaches around and cups my breast. Neither of us has slept with clothes on since I’ve been spending the night here. We usually have sex before we fall asleep, sated and calm.

“Haleakala sunrise hike and then some surfing,” I say, and when I turn in his arms, I love the loose smile on his lips. “I made a reservation yesterday. Called in a few favors because those suckers are hard to get without a tour.”

“You have some good connections, huh?”

“When you grow up on this island, it’s not hard to have connections. Everyone knows everyone. It’s like a small town. If you really wanted to, you could drive the entire island in likenine hours.” I tell him this as I slip from his embrace, knowing we need to get moving.

“Where are you going?” he questions somewhat desperately.

“We gotta get moving. The hike is at its best before six. Now get your lazy ass out of that bed, Flynn Roberts. And I can consider this training too. Get my heart rate up and get those active minutes in.”

“No time for a quickie?” he asks, hitting me with a stare that nearly penetrates my skin. He’s far too sexy for his own good.

“Not today, you insatiable god. Get dressed. It’s going to be cold up there, so make sure you dress for it. And warm coming down.”