Page 71 of Reckless Hearts

“Hi, Flynn, nice to see you again,” she says, like she didn’t just see me a couple of hours ago when we spent the morning snorkeling together, after spending the previous night together too.

“You too,” I say, my grin widening as I force myself not to reach for her, my hands already itching to hold her close. Just a couple of hours to get through, and then she’ll be all mine again. “Okay, I’m gonna leave you ladies to the signing, but I’m right over here if you need me,” I now say, gesturing to where Nate and Owen stand. My statement is directed to both of them, even if it’s only Jade I actually work for, and I don’t miss the smirk that quickly passes over Alana’s face.

“Flynn,” Jade calls as I turn to walk away.

“What?” I ask, glancing back at her.

“Can you...” she trails off, holding her dog out to me.

Rolling my eyes, I mutter out a “fuck’s sake” as I reach for the dog, not missing the grin Alana gives me as I walk over to where Owen stands, who is laughing his arse off at me.

“Don’t start,” I mutter as I put the dog back on the ground, Mochi’s lead in my hand.

“Man, she really is a piece of work,” he says, his eyes lighting up as the door to the shop opens.

“You have no idea,” I murmur, following his gaze to see Sloane come in. She waves at Alana but moves over to where we stand, her eyes lighting up when she sees the dog, not Owen, the guy who can’t stop staring at her. We watch as she crouches down in front of it, smiling as she plays with the tiny fluffball.

I glance at Owen, a smirk on my face as I hand him the dog’s lead. “Might be your in,” I tease, giving him a wink before I leave them to it.

“Holy fucking shit,” I exhale a couple of hours later as I walk into my cottage after dropping Jade and her dog back at her hotel.

Alana’s laugh sounds from the kitchen as she calls out, “You okay?”

Groaning, I make my way to where she stands at the stove, pulling a frying pan from the cupboards. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I nuzzle my face into her neck, inhaling her delicious scent. “That was fucking exhausting.”

She giggles, gently elbowing me in the stomach before she turns to face me, her arms sliding around my waist. “You weren’t even the one signing!”

Smirking, I lean down, kissing her gently. “I meant Jade, smartarse,” I tease, giving her butt a gentle smack.

Alana raises a brow. “She get back okay? Is Mochi all good?”

I shake my head, laughing a little. “You’re really loving this, aren’t you?”

“What, watching you getting bossed around by a spoilt teenager, or knowing that despite all that, I’m the one that gets to see you naked?”

Chuckling, I grip her arse hard. “I donotget bossed around by her,” I say, mock sternness in my tone. “But yes,” I add, giving her a grin. “You definitely do get to see me naked. Anytime you want, actually.”

“Anytime?” she asks, a sly smile on her face.

“Any,” I start, giving her another kiss. “Time,” I add, giving her another.

“Sounds good,” she whispers against my mouth.

“Wanna start now?” I ask, nipping at her bottom lip.

“Hmmm, we could,” she whispers.

“Yes, we most certainly could.”

Alana laughs. “But first, I’m making you dinner,” she adds, her bottom lip between her teeth.

I run my thumb along it, pulling it free as I say, “You are?”

“Yeah,” she replies, an almost shy smile on her face now. “I figure you probably don’t get too many home-cooked meals with your travels, so maybe you’d like one.”

I blink, before closing the distance and kissing her hard, my heart flipping in my chest at just the idea she’d think about me like that. I know it’s something small and probably to most people, inconsequential, but she is right, I do travel a lot and I spend a lot of that time eating out at restaurants or getting take away for back in my hotel room.

“What was that for?” she asks when I finally pull back.