She laughs softly. “Yeah? Well, the feeling is kinda mutual.”
Smiling, I close the distance, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “Good,” I whisper. “So no more talk of Jade, okay? She doesn’t get to be a part of this.”
“Agreed,” she replies, kissing me this time before sliding off my lap and back onto the couch.
“So how was your day?” I ask as we both reach for our plates again.
“Good. Went for a run after I left here and then surfed this afternoon at Pe’ahi.”
“God, you must be knackered,” I say, laughing when she gives me a confused look. “Tired,” I clarify.
Alana shrugs. “A little, but not as much as I thought. Think I’m kinda running on coffee and adrenaline.”
I smile, feeling the same way. Even though we didn’t get much sleep last night and I’ve been sucking back iced coffees like nobody’s business all day, I feel wide awake, my body on high alert. I’m pretty sure it’s all the other things that have happened. The fact that Alana and I are doing this and we are both all in on us being together, that’s driving this constant state of...of whatever it is.
I like it, though. I want more of it too.
“How’d the surfing go?” I ask now, not fishing for information, but genuinely interested in knowing how she’s going.
Alana nods, chewing her food slowly as though she’s remembering back to this afternoon. “Good. Tried a couple of aerial moves.”
“Shit, that’s awesome. How’d they go?”
She smiles now and it’s shy and kind of fucking adorable. Everything about this girl is adorable actually, and every second I spend with her, I just want to spend more and more. “It went good,” she says.
I scoff out a laugh. “It went good,” I repeat, hitting her with a smirk. “Something tells me it went better than good.”
She shrugs, a coy kind of smile on her face that has me laughing again as I drop my now-empty plate on the coffee table. “Okay, you,” I start, taking her plate and also putting it on the coffee table before I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close as I nuzzle her neck and kiss my way up to her mouth. Alana giggles in my arms, and fuck me, if it isn’t all kinds of adorable and hot and just everything I want.
“What about me?” she asks, teasingly.
“You are being very cheeky right now.” She giggles again and I can’t resist nuzzling her neck. “Fuck, I love when you laugh like that,” I murmur.
“And I love when you say things like cheeky,” she replies, easing me back as she holds my face in her hands. “But why am I cheeky?”
I lean in, kissing her lips, both of us smiling. “It went good,” I repeat back to her. “Doing aerials at Pe’ahi.”
Alana shrugs, a smirk on her face as she says, “Yeah, I mean, it did.”
Laughing, I slide my hand down to her arse, the other slipping into her hair, wrapping it around my fist. “Something tells me that it went way better than just good.”
She smiles that same coy smile again, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she laughs, leaning her head against my shoulder. “Okay, fuck it. It was awesome, Flynn. I totally fucking nailed it and the only thing I could think was, I wish you were there to see it.”
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” I say, exhaling hard because god, I wish I could have seen it too. Could’ve been there surfing it with her. But I know we can’t be that right now, so I pull her close as I brush my lips against hers. “I wish I was too, but you know I’m definitely gonna see it at Pipe.”
“Maybe,” she says.
“Definitely,” I murmur, kissing her again. “But...”
“But?” she asks playfully.
Chuckling, my hand on her arse tightens, gripping it hard. “How about we hurry up and eat so I can nail you?”
Alana laughs, kissing me hard. “Yeah, that might be good,” she whispers and this time we both laugh.
It’s beena couple of days since Flynn and I finally gave in, and my life has never been better. I wake up and train, head into work, and then finish my day at Flynn’s place. We’ve had dinner together every night and fallen into bed next to each other.
“What’s on the agenda today?” Flynn asks, pulling me into his arms as we lie in bed, the sun just beginning to rise.