Grinning, I give her a pass as I say, “I wanna eat you out again, Alana.”
“Even...even after...?” she waves her hand around as though she isn’t sure she should say it.
“Even after we’ve fucked?” I ask. “After I’ve come inside you?”
“Yeah,” she breathes out, her blush darkening.
I close my mouth over her, dragging my tongue through her wetness in answer. “Yes,” I growl, flicking my tongue against her clit. “I wanna taste you, and me, and us,” I murmur.
“Oh fuck,” she moans, her eyes wide as though she doesn’t want to miss a single second of this.
“Yeah, we’ll do that again too,” I tell her before licking her once more, pushing my tongue inside her so I can taste everything. I don’t take my eyes off her, the two of us watching each other as I lick and suck and taste.
I can’t get enough of this woman, can’t get enough of every single part of her and I was serious when I said I wanted to do this all fucking night.
“I love how we taste,” I murmur, closing my lips over her clit and sucking gently.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moans, her eyes falling closed before they suddenly fly open, her gaze meeting mine.
“You like watching me do this?” I ask, humming around her clit.
Alana’s whole body trembles and I slide an arm under her knee, hooking her leg over my shoulder as I slowly drag my tongue through her wetness again. She’s so fucking wet now, and I can’t get enough.
“Well?” I prompt when she doesn’t answer.
“Ye-yeah,” she stammers out as she props herself up on her elbows to get a better view.
Grinning against her pussy, I slide a finger slowly inside her. “Good, get used to it, beautiful, because you’re gonna be seeing it a lot,” I growl before I close my mouth over her and fucking devour her.
I don’t thinkwe get more than three hours of sleep, and I’m totally okay with that. We spent most of the night exploring each other’s bodies, memorizing every curve, every muscle, every want and need. I’ve never experienced what I feel for Flynn, and it’s all-consuming and obsessive and needy, but I love every second of it.
All thoughts of why this was a bad idea are long gone, taking with them my concerns and fears about Pipe and Jade. Flynn is mine. All mine.
My phone begins to vibrate on the nightstand, and I let out a half-groan, half-laugh because I know it’s one of the girls. More than likely all of them, a group text asking for details and being nosy but supportive.
My back is to Flynn’s chest, the warmth of his body wrapped around me, while his erection, which is the size of the Shanghai Tower, is currently pressed against my ass.
He’s so thick and perfect and huge, and I think back to when we first had sex, seeing his cock spring free from his shorts, wondering if I could accommodate him. But he was deliciouslyperfect, and the friction between us as he filled me, and made me forget my own damn name.
I move against him, his arms wrapping around me, pulling me even closer. He lets out a soft moan of appreciation, his throat gravelly and hoarse from sleep, and I don’t give him time to adjust.
My phone vibrates again, shuddering across the nightstand, but I let it go. Flynn and I have time to make up for, time we were apart, and when we leave this house, things will change.
We can’t be seen together until after Pipe, maybe not even then, so today, this morning, in the dim light of the rising sun, I’ll take it all. I’ll take everything I can get to hold me over until the sun sets and we’re back together.
I turn in his arms, my lips trailing over his warm, tanned skin, letting my tongue leave a path everywhere my lips touch.
He tastes like heaven, and I move down his body until I’m between his legs, his thick cock begging for my mouth. How can I say no?
“Fuck, Alana,” Flynn says, his voice strained like he’s trying to control himself. I don’t ever want him to. I want him to lose control with me, dirty and rough.
I look up at him through my lashes as he fills my mouth, his head falling back against the pillow. He lets out a low, guttural moan and it vibrates through me.
But a moment later, he’s watching me, his eyes dark and drugged, half-lidded and desperate as he takes in what I’m doing to him.
I love that I have this effect on him, that he’s hard and thick for me, begging for my mouth to make him come. And I do just that, letting the sucking take over, his moans filling the room.
“Tomorrow, I’ll wake you up with my mouth,” Flynn tells me, his fingers looping through my hair. “All hot and wet, my tongue lapping at your clit like it’s a fucking lolly.”